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Prepare for Holy Week: 2025

The Queen of All Hearts makes available a special section of the media area of this website: Preparing for Holy Week. This Spiritual section is available only for the Lenten Season and for the Easter Season, and contains its own Featured Media, Spiritual Insights and Conference Audio. We pray that as we prepare for Holy Week, all members of the Queen of All Hearts make use of these resources and listen to each audio. QoAH also asks you to make the spiritual pilgrimage to honor the Lord and listen to the entire portfolio.

We hope you find this spiritual guidance informative and up-lifting and useful in your Spiritual Journey.

Understanding This Media Section:

Understanding This Media Section:

Understanding This Media Section:

The Preparation for Holy Week contains Four sections (Select to expand description).

(1) This Lenten Season Featured Media section highlights a special media set, and is featured for several days up to a week. The Feature changes weekly, without notice, so visit this page throughout the week.

(2) The Spiritual Insights media normally contains 1 audio, while the (3) Conference Audio media normally contains multiple audio sets, focusing on the main title, with each audio featuring sub-topics. Spiritual Insights and Conference Audio are further described by selecting the image, reading the brief overview, then scrolling down to the audio.

(4) There is an additional Lenten Season Media category: Lenten Meditation for the Week Media.  A limited number of media sets are included for your listening and reading pleasure.

There is no pre-set order to listen to these materials. We recommend listening to the Featured Media, then selecting any other media that catches your spiritual eye. All of the media that you see are available up to Easter, then replaced with Easter Season media.

Just a note on the Featured Media during this week of the Lenten Season.

Each and every Friday during the Lenten Season, a special Plenary Indulgence may be earned (normal conditions apply).  Read more and listen to a two minute audio to learn more. We encourage all to make use of this special treasure.

Ecce Homo (Select to reveal description)

Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo. Two Latin words that translate to Behold the Man. Every Christian should be exposed to these words and understand them. Uttered by Pilate (Gospel of St. John) after the Bloody Scourging and After the Crowning of Thorns; Ecce Homo. Pilate shows Jesus for a second time to the crowds….and says Ecce Homo…Behold the Man. This is Jesus, on the day He is shown to the crowd on the day He is condemned.

Ecce Homo. The statue you see was borrowed and presented at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island during a Lenten Conference.

Ecce Homo. There are stories that Pilate simply wanted to release Jesus, and show mercy. However, that may not be the case. In the audio, this is further elaborated.

Ecce Homo. These words have carried a weight since they were uttered 2000 years ago. It was realized by the early Church; we need to Behold Him…in His passion. We need to Behold Him in His sorrow. We need to Behold Him in His suffering. The more we Behold Him, the more we will know Him, and His goodness.

These words need to be understood and meditated upon by all Christians. When we meditate on the Mysteries, remember this image of Our Lord. Behold Him.

Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries with St. Louis de Montfort (Select to reveal description)

Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries with St. Louis de Montfort

This Sorrowful Mystery was recorded at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island. It has a special character to it. The reflections come from the heart and pen of St. Louis de Montfort. Fr. de Montfort wrote reflections on each Mystery of the Sorrowful Mysteries, and they may be found in the Hymns of St. Louis de Montfort. The Hymns are unofficially referred to as the Holy Week Hymns. Seven Hymns focusing on the Mysteries of the Passion of Our Lord.

The hymns have meditations on each of the Sorrowful Mysteries. These meditations will be read between each prayer (Our Father and Hail Mary). Join along in meditating on the Mysteries from St. Louis de Montfort. We pray this helps you in your own Spiritual Journey and Preparation for Holy Week.

Lenten Season and Holy Week: Spiritual Insights

(Double Click to See Details)

Lenten Season: Meditation for the Week  (Double Click to See Details)

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