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(1) Jesus sees horrendous death; Closing in with threatening look; To conquer Him,
The Almighty though He be. Sinners, it is for us; That He suffers these sorrows.

JesusAgony in the Garden

(3) He foresees that He will be cursed; Even in the Most Blessed Sacrament. He has yet to bequeath us as pledge; Of His so ardent Love. It is I who am guilty; Who merit all these pains.

JesusAgony in th Garden

(8) Have we then no feeling; Are we not moved; As we gaze on the horrible evils; Which our sins inflict on Him? It is I who am guilty; Who merit all these pains.

JesusAgony in the Gardens

(11) Forgive us for all these sufferings, O Jesus, caught up in Agony. For it is our own crimes; That plunge you in such torment. Ah! We are the ones, O Sinners Who Merit all these pains.

JesusAgony in the Garden

From the Hymns of St. Louis de Montfort: Agony in the Garden

St. Louis de MontfortSelected Verses

Conference Descriptions

Preparing for Holy Week

Conference #1: Lent is at the service of getting us ready for Holy Week.
The Conference Audio begins with a focus on Preparation for Prayer. This is then extended to the Preparation for Holy Week.
Before prayer, before we make the sign of the Cross, we need to quiet ourselves down and think about what it is we plan to tell the Lord. However, if we simply use the time to quiet ourselves and think about what we are going to say, we missed the point of prayer completely.

In quieting oneself, we need to remember that we are not the only person who is here as prayer begins. It is vitally important to remember when we pray know that we are in the presence of the Lord. The Conference Audio positions this importance further, including how this occurs.

So over Lent, a period of 6 weeks, we are preparing to be in the presence of the Lord. It is during this time, we prepare for the great Mysteries of Our Lord Jesus. These are the great Mysteries of what God does for us through His Son, Our Lord. So during the Holy Days, we want to be present to Our Lord, who makes Himself present through these Mysteries.

Preparing to be in the Presence of the Lord

We begin (in Lent) with the preparation discipline, of purifying ourselves, and focusing our attention so when the Holy Days come we are not unprepared. This first Conference discusses preparation for Holy Week to get us ready and to focus ourselves spiritualty. So what does getting ready imply? In part, it is that each of us will be meditating on the Mysteries of the Holy Days.

This does not mean sit down and start thinking about a topic, or a specific Mystery. The audio elaborates that in a seminary, the meditation topic for the next day was mentioned the night before and mediated upon at night. Then, since the topic is given the night before and was already mediated upon, in the morning, the mediation was not a time dedicated to thinking about the topic, but rather an appreciation for the subject of the meditation. It is here where we meet the Lord in the meditation with a certain fullness. Listen to this powerful Conference #1 as it continues on this type of spiritual preparation that will greatly aid our own Spiritual Prayer Life.

Ecce Homo: Behold The Man

In Conference #2, the audio will focus on the specifics of each of the Holy Days.

The beginning of Conference #2 begins with the Ecce Homo discussion. The statue referenced in this audio may be found here. This discussion is so important to Queen of All Hearts it was lifted into its own Spiritual Insight.

Either before or after listening to the audio below, preferably before, we recommend you listen and pray the Holy Rosary, focusing on the Mysteries of the Passion. In doing so, it will assist you in your preparation to make this Spiritual Pilgrimage in Preparing for Holy Week.

Conference #1: Lent: Preparing for the Holy Days

Conference #2: Focus on Each of the Holy Days

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