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(May the Reign of Mary Come)



They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their treasures and offered
Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.



… And the Word became flesh,
and made His dwelling among us.



… beautiful as the white moon,
pure as the blazing sun, fearsome as celestial visions?



… that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help or sought thine intercession was left unaided ...



Our life, our sweetness, and our hope ...

Lenten Media Sections: Where To Begin?

Lenten Media Sections: Where To Begin?

Lenten Media Sections: Where To Begin?

Select Here for Media Recommendations

With 25+ titles within the Preparation for Holy Week section, in addition to Fr. de Montfort’s messages, two Lenten Sections (Meditation and The Queen: Articles), the ongoing Meditation for the Week section . . . there are over fifty media sets to review.  For those that take the pilgrimage to review all Lenten Media materials, we encourage you to tell us about your pilgrimage.

For those that may be time challenged and need to prioritize listening to / reading these Lenten materials, the question may be How to Begin?

For those that need to prioritize, Queen of All Hearts recommends, at minimum, three things:

  1. Read the two messages from Fr. de Montfort (found on the home page).
  2. Join the Shrine and Queen of All Hearts’ community and say the Stations of the Cross in Union with Mary!
  3. Say the Rosary, preferably every day during lent.  Join the QoAH members and listen to each week the special Rosary audio
  • The above is the recommended minimum pilgrimage for someone during this Lenten Season.  Preferably, we encourage you to review the Featured Media in the Preparing for Holy Week media section.  This changes every five to seven days and will consist of at least one media set and one Rosary set. At times, additional media sets are displayed. 
  • Further, we encourage each member to attend Mass during the week, possibly on Friday.  During Lent, a Plenary Indulgence may be earned each Friday for yourself, or for a deceased loved one.  See the Prepare for Holy Week media section, which describes how to earn this treasury.

Regardless of what you listen to / and read, we pray you experience a spiritual Lenten Season and Prepare for Holy Week!

Preparing for the Lenten Season Holy Week the Passion of Our Lord

Have we then no feeling; Are we not moved; As we gaze on the horrible evils; Which our sins inflict on Him?

It is I who am guilty; Who merit all these pains.

Hymns of St. Louis de Montfort: Jesus: Agony in the Garden

The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts makes available a special section of the media area of this website: Preparing for Holy Week. This Spiritual Media section is only available for the Lenten Season and for Holy Week, and will contain its own Featured Media, Spiritual Insights and Conference Audio. All of the media offers Spiritual Insights for the Lenten Season. We pray, that as we prepare for Holy Week, all members of the Queen of All Hearts make use of these resources and listens to each audio. We hope you find this spiritual guidance informative and up-lifting and useful in your Spiritual Journey.

To access this special section, select the link / button below. Read more and view all the Lenten Season Special Media.

The Lenten Season’s Featured Media for the Week also appears below.  Read more about why they are Featured by selecting the link button.

2025’s Friday Devotional Lenten Series 

Each week on Fridays, a Lenten devotional conference will be held. A day or two later, the audio will be updated to include the latest conference. Select the link for the latest sets of audios, and check back each week for new conferences.

Fr. de Montfort’s

Lenten Message to Us!

Two Special Lenten Articles Written by St. Louis de Montfort, and A Special Stations of the Cross in Union With Mary!

A Special Media Section on St. Joseph

What does the Church tell us about St. Joseph? What does one saint (Pope John Paul II) say about St. Joseph?

Inspired by the Gospel, the Fathers of the Church from the earliest centuries stressed that just as Saint Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical Body. 

Before his Feast Day, read these four articles on St. Joseph. 

A Special Media Section on The Annunciation

This year, Queen of All Hearts presents a special Annunciation Media section of a handful of audio and articles. The Annunciation is a Feast Day ALL MEMBERS of Queen of All Hearts must hold dear in their hearts.  Find out why St. Louis de Montfort tells us of its importance. Select the link to view a select number of special media focusing on this feast day. 

The Passion of Mary Audio

Select the Link to Learn More

The Passion of Mary Audio Will Be Available for Six Days

The Passion of Mary

The Audio Will Be Available In:

A Special Presentation: The Passion of Mary

Unfortunately, many Christians have not had the opportunity to hear, let alone contemplate, The Passion of Mary. This ancient reading dates back several centuries, with an estimated age of at least 325 years and quite possibly much older. Originally translated from Spanish, it has been recited at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island for nearly a decade. Take a moment to heed Mary’s words as she vividly recounts her observations and emotions during Our Lord’s Passion. Tune in to The Passion of Mary.


Please note: The Passion of Mary recording will be made available for six days on April 11th through April 17th.  It will be removed on Holy Thursday. Click the link to learn more.

A Special Meditation Media Section for the Lenten Season 

Queen of All Hearts will continue to make available Meditation Media (see the next section below). However, this section contains additional Meditation Media appropriate for the Lenten Season, to help prepare our hearts. 

Select the Link to advance to the Special Lenten Meditation Media.

Meditation of the Week

Queen of All Hearts now records Meditation Media, and periodically (usually every two weeks) updates this new media section. Each audio usually ranges from 20 to 25 minutes, consisting of a Gospel and Homily, following the liturgical calendar. QoAH updates this media section with multiple audio sets. We recommend picking one, listen and meditate on it during the week. Feel free to listen to any or all of these meditation pieces. We pray this new media section assists you on your own Spiritual Journey.

The Queen: Featured Articles: Lenten Season

Welcome to The Queen: Featured Articles: Lenten Season

The Queen makes available a handful of articles appropriate for the Lenten Season.  Some have been published previously, and some are new.  We pray that this media, and all the media on this site helps you in your own Spiritual Journey.

Select the Link to Advance to the Queen of All Hearts’ Magazine Artwork Site.

Until Easter, the Artwork Site Will Highlight Lenten Season’s Magazine Artwork Published Throughout Select Years.

Association of Mary's Mission
The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts has but one mission. To promote the reign of Jesus through Mary. Members of The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts practice the spirituality teachings of St. Louis de Montfort, and support the mission of the priests in The Company of Mary. Members of the Queen of All Hearts desire to faithfully live their Consecration to Mary. The anchor of this faithful living of one’s Consecration is its daily renewal, which produces within us the attentiveness and resolve required to learn how to do all things Through Mary, With Mary, In Mary and For Mary, as Fr. de Montfort instructs, …. so that we do all things Through Jesus, With Jesus, In Jesus, and For Jesus. We live this way so that Almighty God may be glorified in all that we are and in all that we do. This web site is dedicated to the members of Queen of All Hearts and those interested in practicing the spirituality as taught by St. Louis de Montfort. We hope all make use of these resources.

Ad Jesus Per Mariam

(To Jesus Through Mary)

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