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Transformation of St. John’s Heart During Holy Week

It is commonly said that Devotion to Mary and saying the Holy Rosary is for women. Devotion to Mary performed precisely, transforms a man into an Apostolic man. Not just a man who is serious about faith. But a man that is stepping forward in the service of the gospel. An apostolic man. Whos life gives compelling witness to the gospel. An example of this transition is found in the Gospel of St. Matthew (20). Jesus pulls his apostles aside and tells them that things will happen in Jerusalem. Be prepared, because it is not what you would think. Be prepared.

This audio (which is part of the Transformation of the Heart Conference) talks about St. John, Jesus’ beloved friend and the only Apostle found at the foot of The Cross on Good Friday. The speaker discusses holiness and the characteristics of a saint. He also points out, these characteristics were not always that of St. John.

In pulling His Apostles aside, He wants to prepare them. But He is interrupted. This often happens in the world; the world interrupts listening to Our Lord. The audio continues and relays the story of how his (St. John’s) mother disrupts Jesus and asks for both her sons (John and James) to sit at Jesus’ sides when He comes into His reign. Jesus is speaking the word of The Cross; the word of self giving and of sacrifice. What is more important that bears this interruption? The spirit of self assertion..of ambition….of pride… is always ready to barge into ones spiritual life.

The movement and mystery of self giving, of what is about to reveal itself in Jerusalem is missed. The other apostles are upset. Now, the entire group loses its communion with Jesus and each other, and is replaced by jockeying for position. Competition and pride disrupts the communion with the Lord.

The audio reveals other stories about St. John. Stories that leaves one bewildered how St. John could be the saint he turned out to be. How could he be the best friend of Jesus? How he could be the saint Jesus loved? As much as John wants to love Jesus, he keeps falling short. These stories also point out our own shortcomings in connecting with Jesus.

It wasn’t until Easter Sunday that we see John showing his humbleness. The first one to recognize and have faith in the resurrection according to John. Not Mary Magdalen. Not St Peter. He is the one that writes the gospel with such spiritual insight. Scripture says only one thing happens to change this man…who shows no signs of holiness just before the crucifixion…to after it….Good Friday happens.

Before one can love Jesus, Jesus loves them. Before one can receive Mary’s love, Mary loves them. Listen to this Spiritual Insight on the transformation of St. John’s heart. Listen to what happens that changes St. John during Holy Week! We believe this audio will not only influence your Spiritual Prayer life, but also provide the example and understanding of becoming an Apostolic man.

The Transformation of St. John’s Heart During Holy Week

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