Spiritual Journey Roadmap
How do I know if what I am doing in my spiritual life is correct? What do I do before making my Act of Total Consecration? What’s next, after making my Total Consecration?
These questions and more are common to all who practice a spiritual prayer life. Each Spiritual Journey is slightly different, because we are all at different stages. There is no one single roadmap of activities that fits all. However, Queen of All Hearts present a series of audio, video and articles focusing on the spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort. The content will indeed influence one’s Spiritual Prayer Life and influence your own Spiritual Journey.
While there is no one Spiritual Roadmap, Queen of All Hearts recommends a roadmap list of readings and audio/video media that we believe is the best way to understand, and subsequently practice, the Spiritual Life as proposed by St. Louis de Montfort. Again, this is a recommended sequence, and is not a harden rule. If you have already made your Act of Total Consecration, or if you have read some of St. Louis de Montfort’s writings, Queen of All Hearts recommends that you start from the beginning, and read the materials in tandem with the media outlined below. With the media, we believe everyone will obtain greater spiritual insights than just reading Fr. de Montfort’s writings separately.
Please note: Select the Audio or Video link to advance to the media.
Spiritual Journey Steps
Queen of All Hearts’ Recommendation: Navigation Steps to Materials on This Website
- 1 - Secret of Mary
- 2 - Preparation for Consecration
- 3 - Insights on Consecration Renewal
- 4 - Secret of the Rosary
- 5 - True Devotion
- 6 - Friends of The Cross
- 7 - Living Your Consecration
- 8 - Spiritual Media
- 9 - The Queen
- 10 - Devotional Series
The Secret of Mary Video and Booklet
This video reviews line by line The Secret of Mary letter (booklet). The letter was authored by St. Louis de Montfort to someone who wanted to deepen their Spiritual Life. The Secret of Mary is required reading prior to performing an Act of Total Consecration.
Preparation for Total ConsecrationVideo and Booklet
The Gray Book outlines the 33 day process to perform the Act of Total Consecration according to St. Louis de Montfort. The video, Preparation for Total Consecration, is to be used in tandem with the Gray Book throughout the 33 day process. See links for both.
Spiritual Insights on Consecration Renewal: Three Sets of Audio
These three Spiritual Insights focus on the Difference between Consecration and Total Consecration (#1), as well as Consecration Renewal Importance (#2) and Consecration Renewal Strategies (#3). The third audio covers a Renewal Strategy if its not possible to do the 33-Day Consecration Renewal. Listen to obtain Spiritual Insights on these three topics.

The Secret of the Most Holy Rosary:
Video, Audio and Booklet
This video and booklet reveals St. Louis de Montfort’s love for the Holy Rosary and its special Secret. Follow along in the book when using the video. Additionally, listen to audio only. The audio was given during a weekend retreat. Which one should be viewed first (audio or video)? Either may be viewed first.
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Video and Booklet
This video and booklet reveals St. Louis de Montfort’s teachings on True Devotion to Mary. This document is, without question, the work most attributed to spreading the name of and devotion to Mary that has marked Fr. de Montfort’s own spiritual journey. Use the video and booklet in tandem.
Friends of The Cross:
Video and Booklet
If anyone wishes to follow me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me.
This video and booklet examines St. Louis de Montfort’s thoughts on the meaning of this biblical verse, and the challenge for all of us!
Living Your Total Consecration to Mary
Video, Audio and (soon) Booklet
Living Your Total Consecration … “my heart ought to burn with longing for it.”
(St. Louis de Montfort: TD 173). Queen of All Hearts continues the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort in describing in detail, what it means to live in Holy Slavery and do all things Through Mary, With Mary, In Mary and For Mary….so that we may do all things Through Jesus Christ, With Jesus Christ, In Jesus Christ and For Jesus Christ. What does all that mean, and how should it influence not only our spiritual journey, but how we live? This is the basis for this video series.
There is also an audio series of the same title. Listen/view either first. Hopefully, we pray, you’ll listen/view both. There is also a prepublication booklet for the same title (sometimes called the Black Book). It is in pre-publication status and is not widely distributed yet. Once it becomes widely available, a link will be placed on this page.
Remaining Spiritual Media:
Video and Audio
Review the remaining Spiritual Insights, as well as Other Video and Conference Audio.
The Queen:
Articles and Q&A
The Queen presents Articles and Q&A (Questions and Answers) about Marian Spirituality according to St. Louis de Montfort. Read more about The Queen using the link below.
In viewing the list of articles, one might say, Wow! There is so much material. This is true! And there is more to come! However, each article, on average takes about 5 minutes and represents a great meditation for that day. Longer articles take no more that ten minutes, so reading a few articles each day or each week should not be burdensome and hopefully is a great resource for your Spiritual Journey.
We recommend taking your time and progressing through the articles. The Queen publishes on average of twelve articles every three months. Therefore, a total of sixty to ninety minutes over three months should be achievable to incorporate into your Spiritual Prayer Life. We recommend you start at the earliest publication and work your way through each article. However, there is no hard and fast order. If an article or series strikes your interest, concentrate on that series.
We pray these resources assist you on your Spiritual Journey.
Special Devotional Series:
To Mary
The Mass
Throughout the year, several Devotional Series are highlighted. Special series exist for the Lenten, Easter and Advent Seasons. However, two Special Devotional Series are available most of the year. The first is the Special Devotional Series to Mary. Here, Mary’s great titles are explored to enable a deeper understanding and appreciation of Our Lady. This series contains both audio and video.
The second Special Devotional Series focuses on the The Mass, allowing us to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Mass. The series is divided into three sections, with one section providing insights on Holy Communion. Learn about receiving Holy Communion in union with Mary, according to St. Louis de Montfort. The series contains audio, video and articles. Read more about the series using the link below.