Understanding This Media Section:
Understanding This Media Section:
Understanding This Media Section:
The Preparation for Holy Week contains Four sections (Select to expand description).
(1) This Lenten Season Featured Media section highlights a special media set, and is featured for several days up to a week. The Feature changes weekly, without notice, so visit this page throughout the week.
(2) The Spiritual Insights media normally contains 1 audio, while the (3) Conference Audio media normally contains multiple audio sets, focusing on the main title, with each audio featuring sub-topics. Spiritual Insights and Conference Audio are further described by selecting the image, reading the brief overview, then scrolling down to the audio.
(4) There is an additional Lenten Season Media category: Lenten Meditation for the Week Media. A limited number of media sets are included for your listening and reading pleasure.
There is no pre-set order to listen to these materials. We recommend listening to the Featured Media, then selecting any other media that catches your spiritual eye. All of the media that you see are available up to Easter, then replaced with Easter Season media.
Just a note on the Featured Media during this week of the Lenten Season.
Each and every Friday during the Lenten Season, a special Plenary Indulgence may be earned (normal conditions apply). Read more and listen to a two minute audio to learn more. We encourage all to make use of this special treasure.
The Characters of the Passion (Not Named Jesus or Mary) (Select to Display Description)
The Characters of the Passion (Not Named Jesus or Mary)
(4) They throw Him on the ground To nail Him to the wood.
But see how ardently He embraces The Cross
It is for us, O sinners, That He endures these sorrows.
How can we truly understand the Mystery of the Passion? How can we meditate and truly understand the sacrifice Our Lord made for all of us?
This conference discusses the Passion in a different way. This set of audio takes us along the walk of the Passion; takes us through the timeline, when the events occurred; takes us to the places where the Passion occurred; and finally describes the Characters of the Passion: Not Named Jesus or Mary. Understanding this aspect by dissecting the Gospel, gives us an in-depth way to understand and meditate on this most special Mystery of the Passion.
Gospel & Homily: Conference #1: The Characters of the Passion on the Night of the Passion (Holy Thursday night): Peter and Judas
The Passion of Our Lord does not begin on Friday, the day he turns himself over to the world. It begins the night before. On this night He is aware Judas will betray Him. Yet, Jesus gives Himself to Judas, fully knowing what is to come. How remarkable, and in keeping with the events of the next day. The audio takes us through Peter’s failure, and the difference between his failure, and Judas’ failure.
Conference #2: The Morning of the Passion: Trial, Judgement, Punishment and Condemnation
Its important to look at the places of The Passion and the other Characters of The Passion by looking at each scene of The Passion. In doing so when we meditate, we have much to learn. The conference points out The Passion happens in several locations, not just Calvary. We walk through the house of the High Priests, the halls of Government (Pilate), to the palace (Herod) then back to the halls of government (Pilate) before Jesus is condemned. Look how much takes place away from Calvary. Once The Passion starts, there is no pause. The Gospel provides to us the details, and there is no pause. Not for us, and not for Jesus.
Every Queen of All Hearts member should listen to this three audio sets if they truly wish to Prepare for Holy Week. Listen to the events and Characters of the Passion. Read the overview, after selecting the image, to further see what is covered in each audio set.
Lenten Season and Holy Week: Featured Media
(Double Click to See Details)

The Characters of the Passion (Not Named Jesus or Mary) **
Lenten Season and Holy Week: Spiritual Insights
(Double Click to See Details)

Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries with St. Louis de Montfort
Lenten Season and Holy Week: Conference Audio
(Double Click to See Details)

The Characters of the Passion (Not Named Jesus or Mary) **
Lenten Season: Meditation for the Week (Double Click to See Details)