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The Queen: Articles (Archives: Prior Publications)

Welcome to The Queen: Article Archives. Prior Year Publications of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. The Queen will categorize the articles based on content in the future. The articles appearing below are within the year of publication.

The Queen of All Hearts Image

The image above is the official image of The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts. Other versions (painted) may be found here and here.

To learn more about the image, select the Learn More Button to view a brief video.

Longer Running Article Series

Occasionally, The Queen publishes a series of articles that are long, covering many publications. For ease of selecting and reading the series that span over many publications, they may also be referenced from the Long Running Series Menu Page under The Queen menu (link).

Reading These Articles

The counter for the number of articles published in prior years of The Queen appears below. It may seem overwhelming to read these articles, in addition to the current year. The majority of these articles are fairly short, and will take approximately five minute each to read. A few of these articles will take approximately 10 minutes. Therefore reading the articles / series, can be accomplished over a period of time by reading two or three per week. On average, 3 articles per week will take a mere fifteen minutes (plus meditation time).

For many of the publications, select the plus sign in the blue bar to see a description for that month’s publication.

If one wishes to understand Montfort Spirituality, and to increase knowledge of Devotion to Mary, these articles will assist in helping members on their Spiritual Journey.

May our powerful patron, the Holy Virgin, Queen of All Hearts continue to strengthen and sustain you, and obtain for you an ever-greater participation in the life of Jesus, her Son.


One Final Note: As we advance in years of publishing The Queen, the Archives are growing.  For easier navigation, each year’s separate header has an icon to the right (a special arrow).  Selecting it will advance to the prior year without having to manually scroll past the current year displayed.

Total Articles Published
Articles Published in 2024
Articles Published in Prior Years ('19-'23)


The Queen’s Articles: Previously Published in 2024

The Queen: Vol:#024 October - December 2024: The Queen's Last Publication Before Christmas (Select to View Description)

Celebrating the Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Our Lady

The Queen: Articles

The Queen: Articles (Vol.#024: October – December 2024).

From the Archives: We Remember a Man Who Made His Total Consecration: Frank Duff: Founder of the Legion of Mary

This month we remember a man who made his consecration many years ago following Montfort Spirituality’s Consecration outline. After making his consecration he went on to form the global organization: The Legion of Mary. This month we remember his passing into Glory on November 7, 1980. Several of these articles were published in early 1981 within the original Queen of All Hearts’ Magazine.

The Managing Editor (Fr. Charest) of the original magazine use to lead pilgrimages on a yearly basis, often stopping off to visit Frank Duff. Some of the pictures come from a trip in 1980, a few months before his passing.  Frank Duff made a few trips to the United States. Two such visits include pictures and appear in two of the articles.  One from his visit in the late 1950s, and one for his visit to receive a special Honor by the Montfort Fathers.  Six articles in total.

The Queen’s Last Publication Before Christmas

Of the next six articles, five of them focus on Christmas. They include No Room For Mary?,  In The Fullness Of Time, and three other articles.

Celebrating the Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Our Lady

What exactly is Beauty, Goodness and Grace? This month this question is answered!  We do so by republishing eight articles from our archives. Select the description below for more information on each article.

Celebrating the Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Our Lady (Select to Display the Description)

Celebrating the Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Our Lady

It is difficult to imagine the depth of the gifts given by God to Mary. These eight articles appeared in the original Queen of All Hearts Magazine over a two year period. The Queen explores this topic by making these articles available in this month’s publication.

The Immaculate  sets the tone by describing Mary is without stain, and therefore without blemish. Mary, Above All Others continues the idea of escaping the stain of Original Sin, but from a different perspective. In this article #2, the focus is placed on the beauty of Mary’s Soul and her Heart. To fashion His Mother’s soul, God selected from His treasures. He selected all that was most beautiful, most rare and most precious; God gathered all that was most excellent and admirable in the souls of all the elect; He epitomized all this, so to speak, and gave it to Mary, His Mother. All the virtues, graces and perfections of the saints and angels have been reduced to their quintessence, refined and perfected, then placed in Mary’s heart. Wow, what a statement! Read more in this wonderful article.

Mary, More Beautiful

Mary, All Beautiful (Article #3) continues our journey to understand Mary better. Understanding Mary’s beauty takes more than one article as it is examined from multiple perspectives. Article #3 examines the beauty of the saints. In Mary, Above the Angels (Article #4) the beauty of the various types of Angels is examined!

Few there are, it is true, who have been privileged to see Mary with their bodily eyes; but we can see her with the eyes of our soul, if we would but meditate on her beauty. And it is this spiritual contemplation of Mary that is the safest and the surest, since it is founded on truth. It is the most consoling also, since it brings Mary’s true image right into our soul where it can be kept free from any illusion of the senses. It is this picture or ”spiritual image” of Mary that Fr. de Montfort wishes us to form in our souls when he tells us that we must ”try to form within us some idea or spiritual image of Mary”. (Secret , No. 47).

Mary, Goodness and Grace

In Mary Full of Grace (Article #5) the article explores how the saints describe Mary’s grace! How did grace enter Mary? The saints experience grace usually drip – by – drip. That is not how Mary experiences her grace. The article analyzes this further. Grace for All (Article #6) explores how God places in her hands gifts and treasures. Mary is the aqueduct that that conveys grace to us all!

In the next article (#7), the series examines Mary’s Virtues – her Goodness. Thy virtues, O Virgin, surpass the stars of heaven in numbers! Still, what God permits them to see of Mary’s virtues and privileges is as nothing compared to what He hides from their view. They are constantly discovering all their qualities and all their virtues in Mary’s Immaculate Heart. This article unpacks, Mary’s Virtues, More Than The Stars and touches upon visible and hidden virtues and goodness.

The last article (#8) concludes this series, Mary, Most Powerful. The series explores Mary’s Beauty, Goodness and Grace. It concludes with her power! Mary is an ambassador with full powers. God has entrusted her with all the interests of His divine Providence, of His mercy and of His justice. Hence, Mary’s unique power of intercession.

For all those who make a Total Consecration according to Montfort’s Spirituality, one of their first reactions is a need to learn more about Our Lady! We want to love her more deeply. We do that, in part, by meditating on her virtues. For all members of the Queen of All Hearts and for those who made or are making their Total  Consecration, these eight articles go a long way in understanding Our Lady and How God sees her!

We Remember a Man Who Made His Total Consecration and Acted Upon It: Frank Duff

The Queen's Last Publication Before Christmas

Celebrating the Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Our Lady

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#023: July – August 2024 What Does Montfort Spirituality Mean to Me? (Select to View Description)

Celebrating a Life of a Martyr!

This month we celebrate and honor two Montfort religious. Thirty years ago, a Montfort priest was assassinated. Two articles celebrate his life.

What Montfort Spirituality Means to Me?

In the last publication of The Queen, an article was printed discussing What Montfort Spirituality Means to Me. The author was an academy award winning author. A select few took up our request and wrote a brief note on what Montfort Spirituality . . . and what Our Lady means to them.  We also reprint in this publication an article from two members outlining this topic in an article entitled: How Montfort Spirituality Influences Living the Gospel.  It was originally written for a global Montfort publication three years ago and is reprinted for The Queen.

We encourage each of you to think What Montfort Spirituality Means to You!  Share your thoughts with us using the Comments section under The Queen.

Eight articles in total. We hope they assist you on your own Spiritual Journey.

Vol #23: July – August 2024

Celebrating a Martyr:

A Life in the Company of Mary


Also, What Does Montfort Spirituality and Mary Mean to Me?


The Queen: Articles: Vol.#022: May – June 2024 Mary, the Cause of Our Joy! (Select to View Description)

Mary, Cause of Our Joy!

This month we Celebrate Mary, The Cause of Our Joy!

We celebrate her in a unique way this month. We have six articles written by Pope John Paul II, who writes about the Turning Point of His Life and his experience with Montfort’s Spirituality and Consecration. He also wrote: Open to Jesus Through Mary, Mary’s Unique Cooperation and three others of his articles appear within the publication.

This month we’ll celebrate Pentecost Sunday. One of the articles includes Reflections of Mary as Mother of the Church. Additionally, there is an article on Montfort, another in the series of Consecration Aids, and several special articles.

Have you ever wondered who else made their consecration? In the past we posted articles on Pope JP II, Pope Pius X and Mother Angelica of EWTN fame. This month we publish other articles including Mother Theresa and an Academy Award winning author. This last article highlights what consecration and Montfort’s Spirituality means to him after a Year of Slavery. We encourage each of you to think what Montfort Spirituality means to you. Share your thoughts with us using the Comments section under The Queen.

Sixteen articles in total. We hope they assist you on your own Spiritual Journey.

Vol #22: May – June 2024

Mary, The Cause of Our Joy!

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#021: January – April 2024 Jesus and The Cross. (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

In keeping with the tradition within The Queen, January’s publication covers the first four months of the year until the month after Easter (due to the amount of Lenten and Easter Seasons media).

This month The Queen publishes twenty-four articles. The first eight articles focus on Jesus and The Cross.

Further, this month we continue with the next two installments of Finding Mary in Scripture.

On February 11th, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. To help celebrate, The Queen publishes five articles on Lourdes.

To complement the Featured Media for January, The Queen also publishes six separate articles on True Devotion and Montfort’s Spirituality, in addition to three other articles.

In total, twenty-four articles may be found within this publication of The Queen.

Vol #21: January – April 2024

Jesus and The Cross






The Queen’s Articles: Previously Published in 2023

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#020: October - December 2023 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: October 2023

Celebrating Wisdom: Wisdom in the Old and New Testaments (Separate Series)

Jesus Christ, The Beginning and The End; The Name of Jesus

Finding Mary in the Scriptures (First 4 parts of this Series)

The Queen: (Vol #20) :

Completion of Four Years of the Digitalization Project: 

The Original Queen of All Hearts’ Magazine

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#020: October – December 2023)


The Queen: Articles

One of Fr. de Montfort’s favorite names for Our Lord was Wisdom. This month we celebrate both Our Lord and Our Lady. The Queen begins with two separate series on Wisdom (Wisdom in the Old and New Testaments).  This month also includes Christ, Eternal Wisdom, In Search of Wisdom and In Pursuit of Wisdom. The publication also includes In the Name of Jesus and Christ, the Beginning and the End. In total, ten separate articles on Jesus.

Since October is also the month we celebrate the Rosary, there are two separate prayer articles. Additionally, the first four parts of Finding Mary in the Scriptures are also presented.  And lastly, the publication also includes two Consecration Aids, as this long running series continues.   Eighteen articles appear within this publication, the last of this year.

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#019: July - August 2023 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Celebrating Mary in the Gospel of Mark:
Celebrating Feasts Days of The Assumption, Our Lady of Knock and Mary Magdelene

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#019: July – August 2023).

This month we celebrate Mary, in the Gospel of Mark. This is the fourth time we featured Mary in the Gospel. Links for the other three times appear below. This month we also celebrate several upcoming Memorial and Feast Days, including Feast of Mary Magdelene (July 22), Feast of Our Lady of Knock (August 12) and Feast of the Assumption (August 15). In August we will also have a special media section of the Assumption on the main web page. 

Mary, In The Gospel of Luke: The Annunciation Series

Mary, In The Gospel of Luke: The Infancy Narrative Series

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#018: May - June 2023 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Celebrating Mary and a Glimpse Into Montfort’s First Disciple, on the Thirtieth Anniversary of Her Beautification

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#018: May – June 2023).

This month we celebrate Mary, as well as taking a Glimpse into Montfort’s First Disciple, on the Thirtieth Anniversary of Her Beatification. This month there are 8 articles on Mother Marie Louise of Jesus, and eight additional articles. We honor Mary with Mary’s Reflective Presence, as well as a two-part article on Mary and the Eucharist in Light of St. Louis de Montfort’s Writings. 

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#017: Jan - April 2023 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#017: January – April 2023).

This month we celebrate Mary in several special ways. As has been our custom in The Queen, we do not publish new issues over the Lenten Season.  So, this issue takes us through April 2023.  Since there is much to celebrate as we start this new year, this issue has twenty-seven articles.  It is the most that we have published in a single issue.  You’ll understand why The Queen Celebrates Mary with so many articles by reading the description below.

Brief Descriptions

Several Marian Prayers

In addition to the Rosary, many Christians, especially Queen of All Hearts members, say several Marian Prayers. But what do we know about these prayers, and do we really understand them?   Five Marian prayers are examined.

Celebrating Montfort’s 350-th Anniversary of His Birth

The Queen publishes the first in a series entitled: A Saint for Our Times: St. Louis de Montfort. Join The Queen as we celebrate the 350th anniversary of his birth! And don’t forget to check out the 350th anniversary artwork celebration here.

We also encourage all members to read, if you have not done so already, the (link) series Saint Louis Marie de Montfort: An Often Misunderstood Saint.  Obtaining and reading a biography of the life of Saint Louis de Montfort is easy to do. However, not all the biographies give an insight into the man, and therefore, contribute to some of the misunderstandings. They indicate that he was not liked by many of his superiors, and this is true. This series provides insights as to why he was not liked by several people of his time, including his superiors at the seminary. It may be difficult to appreciate this saint, when learning of so many disapprovals, including some clergy. This set of articles was written by Fr. Gaffney, SMM, who was instrumental in publishing The Handbook of the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort. The articles attempt to provide some insights into the man, so one can further appreciate the priest who would become a saint.

Celebrating Mary

This issue Celebrates Mary by publishing 21 additional articles with several focus areas. Read about the Interior and Exterior Practices of Devotion to Mary, and Trusting in Jesus and Mary. Read about Mary in the Liturgy, and Mary, Revealed in the Holy Spirit. And so much more.

In all there are 27 articles in this month’s publication. We pray they help you in your own Spiritual Journey.

The Queen’s Articles: Previously Published in 2022

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#016: November - December 2022 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#016: November – December 2022).

This month we celebrate the completion of our third year within the Digitalization Project.  The original Queen of All Hearts magazine’s mission was to portray Mary’s role in salvation in a clear and plain language. The original magazine has over fifty six years of articles, Q&A, artwork and a treasury of other assets . . . all to support the original mission. After three years, the team has published 260 articles (with another 150 articles in the publication queue).  Nearly 100 Questions and Answers have been published. And over 19 years of cover artwork, with more than 100 pieces of art have been published.

We are slightly more than 1/3rd complete with this project.  As one spends time with each author, their love for their mission of spreading the Spirituality and making Mary’s role clear is made evident.

We thank our readers for viewing and meditating on each article.  The team looks forward to the new year ahead and continuing the mission of refreshing and republishing these spiritual treasures.

May we encourage you to read several of the Advent-Christmas time articles during the next 2 months, including: Mary & Joseph: A Journey of Faith, and Editorial: Mother of God, which explains why we need this time of year.   Over the next 2 months, we encourage you to read all 13 articles.

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#015: September - October 2022 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#015: September – October 2022). Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page. Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).

This month we celebrate Mary with a beautiful new series: Woman of Faith.

Brief Descriptions

Woman of Faith Series

We turn to Mary, the Woman of Faith. In a certain sense, this title is the most magnificent of all, for it is through her faith that Mary conceives the Eternal Wisdom of the Father; it is through faith that she is the model disciple of the Lord; it is because of this active and responsible Yes to God’s will that she is the spiritual mother of all the redeemed. Mary, the Woman of Faith, a beautiful summary of the grandeur of this woman.

When we examine the Gospel portraits of Mary, it is her faith which appears to be the one color the Holy Spirit uses in depicting this woman. What exactly is faith?  What does scripture say about Mary and her faith? This series examines the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary as it relates to Mary’s Faith.  We encourage all to read each article and meditate on it in advance of praying the Rosary.

In all there are 16 articles in this month’s publication. We pray they help you in your own Spiritual Journey.

Vol #15: September – October 2022

Woman of Faith

Publication #15 was entirely dedicated to the Woman of Faith Series.  To save space on this page, select the image below to go directly to this 16-article series.

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#014: July – August 2022 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#014: July – August 2022). Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page. Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).

This month we celebrate the 75-th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Louis de Montfort.  To coincide with the special announcement of A Year of St. Louis de Montfort, we thought we would celebrate this great Apostle and The Company of Mary in a special way.

Brief Descriptions

Montfort lived his life in obedience . . . to the Pope and to the bishops where he preached.  We begin with three separate articles on Montfort and his obedience and love for the Pope.

We also thought it would be fun to republish an article celebrating the 40-th Anniversary of Montfort’s canonization.  You probably heard that Montfort was a great preacher. This month The Queen includes an article on Montfort’s Last Sermon.

Most readers have seen pictures of Fr. de Montfort’s tomb, often with religious kneeling before it. Did you know that his body had to be moved and placed in the tomb years after his death?  Read the account of this Saint by the local priest in The Fragrance of Holiness.

Those that practice the Montfortian Spirituality have heard of The Company of Mary.  But what do you know of the history of the Company? Read about The Company of Mary in this three-part series.

How do priests relate to St. Louis de Montfort in his time? How would they describe him?  In this republished article, find out more in Blazing Fire of God: St. Louis de Montfort.

Saint Pope John Paul II presented the Montfort Priests with a message in this two-part series.  JPII thought so highly of Montfort he went and gave a Homily at the Tomb of St. Louis de Montfort. 

In all there are 15 articles in this month’s publication. We pray they help you in your own Spiritual Journey.

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#013: May – June 2022 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#013: May – June 2022).

This month we celebrate Mary in the Gospel of St. Luke: The Infancy Narratives (see description below).  We also celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary (June 25th). Ever since St. Luke portrayed Mary as the one who pondered in her heart the mysterious events in the life of Jesus, Saints and spiritual writers through the centuries have attempted through images, analogies and biblical insights to glimpse the world that shaped the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This month there is a two-part series of reflections and are just one more such attempt to ponder the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Mary in the Gospel of Luke: The Infancy Narratives (Select to View a Description)

In some detail, The Queen previously examined the first “Marian” episodes of the Lucan Infancy Narrative, the Annunciation.  In this series, there are several points examined in the second episode that is explored: the Visitation. The second scene of this divinely inspired play now unfolds. It will respond to the questions raised by the Annunciation. What happens to Mary? And what of Elizabeth, her kinswoman who in her old age is now with child? The Visitation narrative, 1:39-56, which follows directly on the Annunciation, beautifully describes the last event before the birth of John the Baptizer and the birth of Jesus.

In the third Mystery, we begin a study of Our Lady as she is depicted in the mystery of the Nativity as recounted by Luke (2:1-20). The primary focus of the nativity scene is, as with the entire Gospel, Jesus. The Marian dimension is always to be understood within its essential Christological context.

There are three Marian points in this narrative that are of special interest: 1. Mary gives birth to Jesus. 2. Mary gives birth to her first-born. 3. Mary ponders in her heart the mystery of the nativity.

The series concludes with the fourth and fifth mysteries: The Presentation and the Finding in the Temple.  We pray you read and reread this series as it explores several topics in-depth.

The Queen: Articles: Vol.#012: January – February 2022 (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#012: January – February 2022).   In 1842, the Treatise of the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin was re-discovered. This year Queen of All Hearts celebrates the 180-th year anniversary of this re-discovery. The Queen publishes twenty-two articles, as we Celebrate True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Total Consecration and Montfort Spirituality.

The Simplicity of Devotion to Mary

One of the reasons why devotion to Our Lady is so attractive is because she can help us realize that simplicity. She is now held by the wonder of it all as no saint has ever been. Open to her influence and so glimpsing in faith what she now sees in glory. In time we too will become one with her and what attracts her.

Mary is in Christ a new creation. St. Paul is describing her life as well as ours. As we are doing now, Mary once did too, living here on earth in faith. What first she lived in faith she sees now in glory. It is all one piece. I too am one with her in Christ through Baptism. If I allow her to lead me to look at God giving himself in Christ through the Spirit, I shall genuinely become a new creation, living for God alone, as the wonder of it all takes hold of me.

Other Articles on True Devotion, and Total Consecration

In total, there are twenty articles on these two topics, and Celebrating Mary.

Remaining Articles: Continuation of Three Series

Three series continue, including the Baptism series, and Montfort Spirituality: Call and Response to Happiness, as well as Consecration Aids.   We realize for some it may be difficult to read a long running series over many months.  Look under The Queen menu for a gathering of long running series which hopefully will make it easier to select and read.

Each of these articles we recommend Queen of All Hearts members read, and re-read, to help with their own Spiritual Journey.  Only a few of the articles are highlighted. Scroll and look below to see the full set of Celebration Articles.

The Queen’s Articles Previously Published in 2021

2021_November: Vol. #011: Celebrating Mary (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#011: November – December 2021). Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page. Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).   This month, The Queen publishes eighteen articles, as we Celebrate Mary. 

Short Steps to Sanctity

THERE is only one real tragedy in this life – the mistake of not becoming a saint.

Many Christians, despite their Master’s command, “Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”, seem naturally prone to forget or ignore the divine calling to holiness! The Christian is inclined to be content with the avoidance of mortal sin. Together with this dangerous complacency there is a widespread belief that sanctity is synonymous with martyrdom. That a close union with the All- Holy God cannot be attained without the austerity of a John the Baptist, or the miracles of a Francis of Assisi. . .

Holiness is Essentially a Conformity to the Will of God

Such heroics, however, are very seldom required of a saint. Holiness is essentially a conformity to the will of God. If that conformity be manifested perfectly in only the trivial every-day actions of our lives, it should suffice for sanctity. For the value of an action is not measured by the esteem in which it is held by men.

If you read only one article this advent season, make it this article and avoid the only real tragedy in life.

Mary – She Who Shows the Way

This two part series: She Who Shows the Way – points out, the Mother of God leads whoever is in her company to her Son. Read this special series, especially during this season of Advent and Christmas.

Editorial: Jesus: WISDOM INCARNATE: The Father’s Christmas Gift

Read about The Father’s Christmas Gift to Us!  Read also the second Editorial, (The Incarnation is the Crucifixion of the Intellect) which at first glance at the title has nothing to do with Advent Season.  Oh, but it does!

Mary’s Articles:  Six Articles

There are six articles focusing on Mary, including Mary, the Echo of God, Mary, The Perfect Queen, Mary, Reflecting the Spirit, Devotion to Mary, Mary’s Presence and more.

Rosary Articles

Last month was dedicated to The Rosary, including several articles.  This month, there are two new articles including: Montfort and The Rosary, and Praying the Rosary. 

Remaining Articles: Continuation of Three Series

Three series continue, including the Baptism series, and Consecration Aids.  Lastly, there are the two final articles of Montfort: An Often Misunderstood SaintThe Queen encourages each member to read this Montfort series.  We realize for some it may be difficult to read a long running series over many months.  Look under The Queen menu for a gathering of long running series which hopefully will make it easier to select and read.

Each of these articles we recommend Queen of All Hearts members read, and re-read, to help with their own Spiritual Journey.  Only a few of the articles are highlighted. Scroll and look below to see the full set of Celebration Articles.

Lastly, note the five interesting questions within the Q&A this month:    (link to The Queen: Q&A page is here : After selecting the Q&A link, scroll down to see these questions and more).

Are you enjoying the articles within The Queen?  What did you like or didn’t like? We would love to hear from our members.  Send in your comments by following the instructions under The Queen Menu: Submit Comments (read more here). 

2021_September: Vol. #010: Celebrating Saint Pope John Paul II (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#010: September – October 2021). Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page. Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).   This month, The Queen publishes twenty-two articles, as we celebrate Saint Pope John Paul II. As you may recall, several popes and religious leaders have been dramatically impacted by Montfort Spirituality. This includes John Paul II, whose feast day we celebrate on October 22.  This month, The Queen Celebrates Saint Pope John Paul II with articles written by him, or about him.


In the year in which the Church honors St. Joseph, as declared by Pope Francis, what does Pope John Paul II say about St. Joseph?  What does scripture say? Furthermore, what does the Church say about St. Joseph? This four part series provides insight into St. Joseph; the person and his mission in the life of Christ and of the Church.


The Marian dimension of the life of a disciple of Christ is expressed in a special way precisely through this filial entrusting to the Mother of Christ, which began with the testament of the Redeemer on Golgotha.  Entrusting himself to Mary in a filial manner, the Christian becomes like the Apostle John. The Christian “welcomes” the Mother of Christ “into his own home”. And brings her into everything that makes up his inner life. That is to say into his human and Christian “I”; he “took her to his own home”.

And precisely with her faith as Spouse and Mother she wishes to act upon all those who entrust themselves to her as her children. And it is well known that the more her children persevere and progress in this attitude; the nearer Mary leads them to the “unsearchable riches of Christ”.  Read more in this special article.


This article helps us all realize that the words, “Behold your mother,” are addressed to each of us. We are invited to love Mary as Christ loved her, to welcome her into our lives as our Mother, to let her lead us along the ways of the Holy Spirit.


In this article, John Paul II explains; “This book”, was a decisive turning-point in my life. I say ‘turning-point’, but in fact it was a long inner journey. A journey that coincided with my clandestine preparation for the priesthood. It was at that time that this curious treatise came into my hands. The Treatise is one of those books that it is not enough to ‘have read’.  Read more about his thoughts on Mary and True Devotion.

Each of these articles we recommend Queen of All Hearts members read, and re-read, to help with their own Spiritual Journey.  Only a few of the articles are highlighted. Scroll and look below to see the full set of Celebration Articles.

Lastly, note the five interesting questions within the Q&A this month: (1) Does Authentic Devotion to Mary Exclude Sin on My Part? (2) Isn’t there a Better Word Than Slavery? (3) Not Worthy to Approach Jesus? (4) Is there Such a Thing as Too Many Prayers? (5) Mary is Also Our Sister?   (link to The Queen: Q&A page is here : After selecting the Q&A link, scroll down to see these questions and more).

Are you enjoying the articles within The Queen?  What were your thoughts on the St. Joseph series? We would love to hear from our members.  Send in your comments by following the instructions under The Queen Menu: Submit Comments (read more here). 

2021_July: Vol. #009: Mary In the Gospel of St. Luke: The Annunciation (Select to View Description)

The Queen: Articles

Welcome to The Queen: Articles (Vol.#009: July -August 2021). Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page. Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).   This month, The Queen publishes twenty articles, instead of the normal sixteen. This month we celebrate Mary, In the Gospel of St. Luke.  The first part of this series deals with The Annunciation. There are eleven articles within this Annunciation series, that were originally published over a three year period.

Mary, In The Gospel of Luke: The Annunciation

If you follow the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort, as the saint says, you must have an affinity for The Annunciation.  This month, The Queen first invites you to read St. Luke’s Annunciation passage, then read these eleven articles, which analyzes each component of this story.  Use this learning and reading exercise as inputs to your own meditation.  The insights presented over this body of work are amazing.

Continuing Series

Living Our Baptism: One In Christ:

This article helps us all realize that we are individually and collectively cherished by the love of God in Christ.

Montfort’s Spirituality: Call and Response to Happiness: Part IV: The Means Wisdom Takes to Come to Us

This is the fourth article within this series on finding true happiness.  The one desire which gives unity and meaning, force and decision to all human desires is happiness. It is the goal of all human activity, the perfect good which satisfies all human desires. The search for happiness is the common ground on which all human yearnings, all human ambitions meet.

The article examines the means Our Lord takes to come to us (The Cross and Our Lady). The All Powerful Servant, Saint Louis de Montfort’s strongly Christocentric spirituality insists upon both the nothingness of Mary of herself and her mind-boggling holiness. It is precisely her emptiness of self which attracts the Spirit. The Spirit fills her with Divine life for herself and for the other members of the Mystical Body.  Read more about the means in this Part IV of the series.

Saint Louis Marie de Montfort: An Often Misunderstood Saint Part VIII: The Pontchateau Affair (continued)

In the last publication, the first two articles of The Pontchateau Affair was introduced.  This month brings the affair to conclusion.  Additionally, Part IX: Who’s to Blame is published. As we have seen in previous articles, there is a fundamental characteristic of Saint Louis de Montfort which surfaces in all his problems with ecclesiastical authorities: his eccentricities. Whether it be a question of his relationship with his spiritual director, Father Leschassier, or with the Ordinary of a diocese, his strange quirks are mentioned. Precisely what are these idiosyncrasies and how are they to be interpreted becomes the enigma intertwined within the puzzle of Montfort’s difficulties with his religious superiors.   Unravel Montfort’s background in this article.

A Holy Gift: and A Bishop Rescues His Lord

From time to time, The Queen will pull from the Historical Archives an article about a Featured Person. It can be about someone from the Queen of All Hearts, someone that has been influenced by Montfort Spirituality, or about a priest in the Company of Mary.

This month The Queen includes two articles from its Historical Archives. The first is A Holy Gift.  “I (Fr. Roger Charest, the original Managing Director and founder of the Queen of All Hearts Magazine) now consider the highlight of my golden jubilee year of priesthood is that great privilege of concelebrating the Eucharist with Pope John Paul II”.  Read more about this special privilege.

The second historical article: A Bishop Rescues His Lord
The intriguing composite photo above shows Montfort Missionary, Bishop Frantz Colimon, of the diocese of Port-de-Paix, Haiti, on his knees, in the middle of the night, holding the Blessed Sacrament in his hands and facing the blazing fire that was destroying his episcopal residence, on the eve of Palm Sunday. Read more on how he rescues the Lord.

Mary, Queen of All Hearts   

What does this title mean? Christ in His human nature is a King and Head of the Mystical Body. In mothering the whole Christ, Mary is adorned with the title of Queen. She has as well as with a domination and power over the members of the Mystical Body. She has this power, not by any natural right, but by the grace of her maternity. That is why Montfort ascribes her queenly domination to a ”singular grace of the Most High, who, having given her power over her only and natural Son, has given it also to her over His adopted children, not only as to their bodies, which would be but a small matter, but also as to their souls”. Read more about Our Lady.

Rounding out the articles are two Consecration Aids

Lastly, note the three interesting questions within the Q&A this month: (1) When Was Mary First Recognized As the Mother of God? (2) How can Saint Louis de Montfort declare that all the mysteries of our faith are found in the Incarnation? (3) Is there any reason to think that Mary is especially generous in showering her graces upon someone who has consecrated oneself to her? (link to The Queen: Q&A page is here).

2021_May: Vol. #008: The Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Mary (Select to View Description)

Welcome to The Queen (Vol #8: May – June 2021): Articles in each new publication of The Queen will appear immediately following this introduction section. Articles previously published in the current year appear at the bottom of this page.  Previously released articles from prior years appear in The Queen: Archives page (link here).   This month’s articles are Entitled: The Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Mary.

What is Beauty, Goodness and Grace?

What exactly is Beauty, Goodness and Grace?  This month this question is answered!  It is difficult to imagine the depth of the gifts given by God to Mary.  The first eight articles appeared in the Queen of All Hearts Magazine over a two year period.  The Queen explores this topic by making these articles available in this month’s publication.

The Immaculate (Article #1) sets the tone by describing Mary is without stain, and therefore without blemish.   Mary, Above All Others continues the idea of escaping the stain of Original Sin, but from a different perspective.  In this article #2, the focus is placed on the beauty of Mary’s Soul and her Heart.  To fashion His Mother’s soul, God selected from His treasures. He selected all that was most beautiful, most rare and most precious; God gathered all that was most excellent and admirable in the souls of all the elect; He epitomized all this, so to speak, and gave it to Mary, His Mother.  All the virtues, graces and perfections of the saints and angels have been reduced to their quintessence, refined and perfected, then placed in Mary’s heart. Wow, what a statement!  Read more in this wonderful article.

Mary, More Beautiful

Mary, All Beautiful (Article #3) continues our journey to understand Mary better.    Understanding Mary’s beauty takes more than one article as it is examined from multiple perspectives. Article #3 examines the beauty of the saints.  In Mary, Above the Angels (Article #4) the beauty of the various types of Angels is examined!

Few there are, it is true, who have been privileged to see Mary with their bodily eyes; but we can see her with the eyes of our soul, if we would but meditate on her beauty. And it is this spiritual contemplation of Mary that is the safest and the surest, since it is founded on truth. It is the most consoling also, since it brings Mary’s true image right into our soul where it can be kept free from any illusion of the senses. It is this picture or ”spiritual image” of Mary that Fr. de Montfort wishes us to form in our souls when he tells us that we must ”try to form within us some idea or spiritual image of Mary”. (Secret , No. 47).

Mary, Goodness and Grace

In Mary Full of Grace (Article #5) the article explores how the saints describe Mary’s grace!  How did grace enter Mary?  The saints experience grace usually drip – by – drip.  That is not how Mary experiences her grace.  The article analyzes this further. Grace for All (Article #6) explores how God places in her hands gifts and treasures.  Mary is the aqueduct that that conveys grace to us all!

In the next article (#7),  the series examines Mary’s Virtues – her Goodness. Thy virtues, O Virgin, surpass the stars of heaven in numbers!     Still, what God permits them to see of Mary’s virtues and privileges is as nothing compared to what He hides from their view. They are constantly discovering all their qualities and all their virtues in Mary’s Immaculate Heart.   This article unpacks, Mary’s Virtues, More Than The Stars   and touches upon visible and hidden virtues and goodness.

The last article (#8) concludes this series, Mary, Most Powerful.  The series explores Mary’s Beauty, Goodness and Grace.  It concludes with her power!  Mary  is an ambassador with full powers. God has entrusted her with all the interests of His divine Providence, of His mercy and of His justice. Hence, Mary’s unique power of intercession.

Meditation Pieces: An Image of Mary

We encourage you to meditate upon the power of Mary’s prayers!; upon the Power of her intercession!  This article walks us through these meditation concepts.

We pray this mini – series provides you with the spiritual nourishment to meditate on the power, the beauty, the goodness and the grace of Mary!

In putting this series together, recognizing the strength of these articles, and all the articles within The Queen, we pray this media becomes part of your daily spiritual journey. We encourage all members to provide feed back on all media found within this website.  Let us know your likes and dislikes by providing us your thoughts using the comments process under The Queen menu.

The Remaining Articles

Three series continue: Montfort Spirituality: Call to Happiness, Living Our Baptism: Temple of the Holy Sprit, and St. Louis de Montfort: A Misunderstood Saint.  Additionally, the publication contains two Consecration Aids and an Editorial. 

The Queen’s Articles: Articles Published in January 2021

The Queen’s Articles: Articles Published in 2020 

The Queen’s Articles: Special Publication #3

The Immaculate Conception

The Queen’s Articles Published in 2019

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