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Consecration Aids: 6: Upon Awakening!

Sorry to say, I have not always been of the opinion that the man who invented the alarm clock has rendered a great service to humanity. I must confess that there was a time when the alarm clock was one of my most bitter enemies. Oh, I didn’t mind looking at it straight in the face in the evening before retiring; but, on hearing it in the morning, at 6 A.M., my first impulse was to ”push its face in” or to dash its brains out” and to stifle its voice forever.

But that was before I found out that an alarm clock could be one of my best friends, if only I would come to my senses and discover for myself the purpose of this harmless invertebrate in my life. That was before I realized that it could be the voice of Mary summoning me to another day in God’s service. That was before my Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, the de Montfort Way.

Permit me to relate briefly how this change of heart came about. I don’t know if you’ll go with me all the way, but if you do, you’re in for a pleasant surprise because you’ll soon experience that what, for most people, is the most dreaded moment of the day can become one of its most exciting. Remember how you felt on awakening the morning of your first Holy Communion? or of your “first date”? or on your wedding day? (if indeed you slept at all!). You just woke up “with a song in your heart,” and a prayer on your lips.

Well—if you think those are the only mornings in a man’s life when he can experience joy in getting up, you mustn’t be familiar with the True Devotion way of life. At least I wasn’t.

After reading de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary and making my total consecration to her, I secretly said to myself: From now on everything’s going to be easy, even getting up in the morning!” For the first couple of weeks, I was almost literally walking on air, inhaling lusty whiffs of divine grace at every turn and exuding (so I believed) a veritable odor of sanctity all about me. All imagination aside, Our Lady’s presence was almost tangible during those unforgettable first few weeks … until …

Well – until Our Blessed Mother, solicitous mother that she is, decided that I had had enough of spiritual milk … that I must now be ready to eat the solid meat of self-denial and mortification. She had held me in her arms long enough. She now wanted me to stand on my own feet, and, like the Child taking its first steps, she wanted me to advance towards her and throw myself into her arms.

So she put me down and left me, so to speak, to myself. It was then that I began to feel that it was still hard to get up in the morning and the old urge “to dash the brains out” of my alarm clock recurred. What was I to do? What was wrong with my consecration? Hadn’t de Montfort assured me this consecration would be an easy way to holiness.

That very same day I decided to re-read my True Devotion. Perhaps there was something I hadn’t quite understood any too well.

Sure enough. My eyes lighted upon TD No. 259, and these words stared me in the face, with all the brazenness of an infuriated alarm clock: “In order that the soul may let itself be led by Mary’s spirit it must first of all renounce its own spirit, its own lights, its own wills before it does anything. Secondly, we must deliver ourselves to the spirit of Mary to be moved and influenced by it in the manner she chooses”.

Author: Fr. Christopher Lee, SMM

This is the sixth in a series of articles covering Consecration Aids. The first five articles were written by Fr. Lucien Ledoux, SMM. Fr. Christopher Lee, SMM continues the series.

“In order that the soul may let itself be led by Mary’s spirit it must first of all renounce its own spirit, its own lights, its own wills before it does anything. Secondly, we must deliver ourselves to the spirit of Mary to be moved and influenced by it in the manner she chooses”.

How little I had understood of True Devotion to Mary! It never occurred to me “before it (the soul) does anything, it must first renounce its own spirit”. It had occurred to me even less to put this into practice on getting up in the morning. Wasn’t this one of the most important acts of my whole day?

The first act of my day, I now realized, must he an act of renunciation. I must say a definite NO, to my own spirit; NO, to my slothful inclinations; NO, to my own irascible impulses. No, I will not turn over and stay in bed another five minutes longer! No, I will not “dash the brains out” of my hare-brained alarm clock, (Pardon me, I didn’t mean to call it that. Just a bad habit I must break). No, I will not give in to my self-will, I will immediately jump, (not crawl) out of bed and throw myself on my knees and . . . What? Just say no, no, no? . ..

Must I get up with a grouch on, just saying NO, to everything in the world? – Happily, no, for I must immediately, simultaneously, take on ‘Mary’s views. I must “deliver myself to the spirt of Mary to be moved and influenced by it, in the manner she chooses.”

In other words, I must consecrate myself, my whole day, to Jesus through Mary. I must repeat the short formula of my consecration, loud enough to hear myself and, if necessary, to awaken myself all the more completely. “I am all thine, and all that I have is thine, O my sweet Jesus, through Mary, thy Holy Mother!”

I decided to try it the very next morning. No sooner had the alarm sounded than I was on my knees beside my bed. “What am I doing on my knees, this early in the morning,” I was about to ask myself, when at once the formula of my consecration came to my lips: ”I am all thine etc...” And as I rose from my knees and opened my eyes to the early light of God’s day, I realized that almost before awakening,
I had already offered the best that was in me to God, through Mary.

You understand that, ever since, the difficulty of getting up in the morning has been greatly diminished; and as for Mr. Alarm Clock and me, I must admit that we are on speaking terms again, for I have found in him the voice of Mary, my Queen and my Mother, summoning me to work in the Vineyard of her divine Son.

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