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The Queen: Editorial: The Source of True Devotion to Mary

Fr. J. Patrick Gaffney, SMM

Source of True Devotion to Mary


W hat would be your immediate response if a neighbor or friend would ask you; “I’d like to learn about the Mother of Jesus. Where can I find that source for the authentic description of Mary?”

It can be said that Pope Paul VI was answering such a question when in 1974 he wrote his land-mark pamphlet On Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. His teaching is clear and unambiguous. THE source for a study of Mary and therefore, for devotion to her, is the bible as lived, proclaimed and prayed within the Body of Christ, the Church.

Not that we should discourage pilgrimages to approved Shrines of Our Lady. Nor discourage the reading of the Marian works of great saints and theologians. By no means! However, we must always remember the fundamental source. Remember the radical root of all our knowledge of Mary. Remember our devotion to her is the word of God as lived, proclaimed and prayed by the Church.

There appears to be a growing hankering for secret messages from Our Lady or for descriptions of Mary’s life which God willed would not be part of His inspired word. Or even more upsetting, the yearning for startling, directly visible signs from God pronouncing judgment upon an evil generation. In some of these circles, it is being whispered about that a major sign from heaven will soon be produced.  Is it possible that some are more interested in an alleged upcoming sign than in the Mother of God herself? And are some resurrecting an ancient – but ever new – heresy of the early church called Gnosticism which claimed that through some secret knowledge we achieve union with God?

The Sign of God’s Presence

The challenging words of Jesus seem directed to those of all ages who make signs and wonders so central in their belief, especially in their Marian devotion; “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given it except the sign of Jonah” (Lk 11:29; cf Mt 12:39). As Jonah was sent from afar to bring good news to the Ninevites, so too Jesus, the Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom, is sent from heaven to bring Good News to all peoples through His Person, His Preaching, His Death and Resurrection.

Jesus is now and forever THE SIGN of God’s presence, love and redemption. There is need for no other sign. THE SIGN – JESUS, the Son of Mary – is ever present among us, most especially in word and in sacrament, particularly in the Eucharist.
If other “signs” are given, they are to be seen only in the light of THE sign, the public revelation of the Father, Jesus. Our faith is not based upon them, our devotion to Our Lady does not find its source in them, whether they happen or not, does not alter the solidity of our Christian life which is founded upon the solid rock of the word of God as preached, proclaimed and lived by the Church.


From time to time, The Queen will republish Editorials or create new Editorials on various topics.

The challenging words of Jesus seem directed to those of all ages who make signs and wonders so central in their belief, especially in their Marian devotion; “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given it except the sign of Jonah”

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