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Pope John Paul’s II Homily on Day of Blessed Marie-Louise Beatification

Saint Pope John Paul II

This is an excerpt from Pope John Paul’s II Homily at the Liturgy of the Mass delivered to thousands of Pilgrims at St. Peter’s that day (May 16, 1993) thirty years ago, for her Beatification.

Beatification Homily


The Gospel (today) told us the words of Jesus: “Whoever loves me will keep my word”. (Jn 14:23).


To keep the word of Christ, the eternal Wisdom of God, to be faithful to his commandments, means to learn, as Mother Marie-Louise Trichet did in the school of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, to meditate on the infinite richness of his presence and activity in the world.

Marie-Louise of Jesus let herself be seized by Christ; she passionately sought the interior union of human wisdom with the eternal Wisdom. The natural outcome of this bond of deep intimacy was an activity passionately devoted to the poorest  of her contemporaries.   Adoring the Wisdom of the Father incarnated in the Son always leads to the daily service of those who have nothing pleasing to human eyes, but who are always very dear in God’s sight.

This morning brothers and sisters, let us give thanks to the Lord. We thank the Lord for the foundation of the great religious family of the Daughters of Wisdom.  The fruit of the personal holiness of St. Louis Marie and Blessed Marie-Louise of Jesus.  Their eminent charity, their spirit of service, their ability to treasure, like the Virgin Mary, all these things in their hearts (cf. Lk 2:51), have now been given to us as an example and something to be shared.

When a person is entirely open to the breath of God’s love, he becomes caught up in spiritual “adventure” far beyond anything imaginable.  Like a sail, his soul is billowed by the breeze of the Spirit. And God can move it according to the inscrutable designs of his providential Mercy.


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This morning brothers and sisters, let us give thanks to the Lord. We thank the Lord for the foundation of the great religious family of the Daughters of Wisdom. The fruit of the personal holiness of St. Louis Marie and Blessed Marie-Louise of Jesus. Their eminent charity, their spirit of service, their ability to treasure, like the Virgin Mary, all these things in their hearts, have now been given to us as an example and something to be shared.

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