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QoAH Announces a
Special Devotional Series
to Mary
Queen of All Hearts Announces a Special Devotional Series to Mary, Mother of the Church
The Great Novena to Mary, Queen of All Hearts

The statue above is Mary, Queen of All Hearts,
located at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island,
and is over 100 years old.
The section that appears below represents the first phase of conferences within the Special Devotional Series. This series of conferences is designed to expand our knowledge of Mary so that we may come to have a deeper esteem, admiration and love for Our Lady. The Special Devotional Series utilizes the Litany of Loreto to understand the knowledge the Church has about Our Lady. This knowledge of the Church, which is a special treasure, has been accumulated over many centuries. The titles within the Litany provide a glimpse into How God Sees Mary, and How the Church Sees Mary!
The second phase of preparation for the Consecration Renewal is the Great Novena to Mary, Queen of All Hearts. This novena was held between the day after Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday. It is the time of the original novena of the Church. It is when the Apostles united in prayer with Mary, awaiting the Promise of Christ.
We encourage all members of the Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts, and all those who have made their Act of Total Consecration, to listen / view this Special Devotional Series periodically throughout the year. Start with the top left image and select each image to the right. We pray you will deepen your knowledge and love for Our Lady and understand her role in our salvation. In doing so, you will glimpse How God Sees Mary!