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Our Lady, Cause of Joy and Seat of Wisdom

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

C ause of Joy and Seat of Wisdom

The Goal of this Special Devotional Series is for all of us to know Mary and to know who she is in the Eyes of God and in the Eyes of the Church. The goal is for us also to know her more personally. As we come to her we will grow in confidence and grow in the love for her. In this devotional journey, the last two conferences review Mary’s two titles: Her Divine Maternity and The Virginity of Mary.

This conference reviews Mary’s titles: Cause of Our Joy and Seat of Wisdom. Today’s contemporary world does not normally utilize these two traditional titles to describe Mary. Rich in history, Holy Mary, Cause of Our Joy.

Cause of Our Joy

We name Mary to be the cause of something…some associated activity. Her presence brings something about. Cause of Our Joy! It is a bold claim, but what does it really mean?

Cause of Joy and Seat of Wisdom

A statue at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island: Dedicated to the Queen of All Hearts

The statue is further explained within this conference.

How many people cause our frustration and/or difficulties in this world? We experience frustration, when we really seek is happiness. Happiness is really fleeting to many people. It is not long lasting. When we find happiness, we rarely linger in it. The Cause of Our Joy! Mary is not the cause of our personal happiness. Joy is not happiness! Happiness is relatively shallow. Its not long lasting. Joy is permanent! It has a depth. It is not fleeting! Christians are called upon to value it.

Who is the “Our”?

The Our means the Body of Christ. It means the entire world or all of mankind. “Our” means us! A Savior has come. Cause of Our Joy! How easy it is to lose the joy of salvation. It is easy to be faithful, but not joyful about our salvation. A bold statement: All Christians need to experience the Joy of Salvation!

So how is Mary, the Cause of Our Joy? Joy occurs with the nearness and presence of Jesus. The Cause of Our Joy! Mary helps us enter into the presence of the Lord. Hear more on the Cause of Our Joy and why Mary embodies this title by listening to this audio. The audio also utilizes (see picture) the statue on display at the Shrine. Mary is the Tree of Life who gives us the fruit of life (Jesus). Hear how this statue connects us all to the Cause of Our Joy!

Seat of Wisdom

This name is a very ancient title, and reaches back to the early days of the Church. Another translation for Seat of Wisdom is the Throne of Wisdom. A throne implies a ruler, a King and a Queen. It implies royalty and governing body. A throne implies honor and demands respect. There are no other seats as strong and as beautiful as the throne. It has its own dignity. It honors whoever sits in it.

People with petitions approach the throne. They step forward to the throne. Jesus is pleased to greet His people on the throne. The statue is interesting. Mary is sitting and wearing a crown as she sits on the throne. Jesus is also enthroned upon her. He is pleased to be on His throne. However, Jesus is not crowned. Why? Jesus is Wisdom! Note the open book on the statue. The emphasis is not on His Kingship or His royalty, but His status as the Word made flesh. He comes to meet us and does so Through Mary. Wisdom is understanding the Way!

Hear more on the Seat of Wisdom and meditate on the goodness of Mary within these roles.

Our Lady, Cause of Joy and Seat of Wisdom

Note: *

During the pandemic, The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island’s Facebook page has a series of video covering Mass and Conferences. This conference’s audio appears above. However, if you would like to see the video (captured using FB Live Stream), follow the Video * link. Selecting the button will transfer you directly to the Shrine’s FB page that contains the video. We encourage you to return to this website after viewing the video.

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