Let Me Tend the Fig Tree; It Will Bear Fruit in the Future
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Let Me Tend the Fig Tree
St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans has an interesting statement.
Consider what you think about regularly. Consider what occupies your time, regularly. Not what you wish to occupy your attention, but what indeed actually occupies your time; your thinking and feeling. St. Paul says, if what occupies your attention is with the spirit of the flesh, that person is concerned about worldly things. The person of the Spirit occupies their time with spiritual things.
What an interesting way for taking the pulse of our spiritual life! What are my real focus and attention?
Listen to St. Paul’s statement as he begins his teaching on freedom and what it means to our spiritual life. Hear the Homily connect the Gospel to a teaching that should impact our Spiritual Life. Listen to this Meditation Media for the Week.
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