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Lord, Why Don’t Your Disciples Fast?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Lord, Why Don’t Your Disciples Fast?


The Pharisees complain to Jesus.

Your disciples don’t fast and pray as others. Fasting and praying are not bad. He does not answer them directly. What is the point of fasting and prayer? Jesus implies if the fasting and prayer is at the service of getting ready for the Messiah, what are they really going to do when He actually shows up? Jesus says . . . He has shown up!

Jesus, in answering this question as He does, He indirectly says who He really is! Stop getting ready for His arrival, and meet Him!

Spirituality, at times, is similar. Its not always getting ready for His arrival! It is also recognizing when you are in His presence.
Hear more about the old and new wine and wine skins. Hear more in this Meditation piece connecting how this Gospel also relates to one’s Spirituality!

Jesus’ Discourse to His Disciples: French Painter: James Tissot

Jesus, in answering this question as He does, He indirectly says who He really is! Stop getting ready for His arrival, and meet Him!

Lord, Why Don’t Your Disciples Fast?

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