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The Magi and Herod: Jesus’ Presence Is Not Joyous to Everyone

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus’ Presence Is Not Joyous to Everyone


N ote the contrast of the words within the Gospel, and the traditional language surrounding the Mystery of Christmas.

In this Gospel, the joyful tidings and the Good News spoken by the Angels on the birth of Our Lord, are not good news to everyone. Our Lord comes into the world to save the world. He comes out of His love for the world. But He doesn’t come to leave the world as it is.

Jesus’ Presence is a Threat to Some

So as joyous as it is that He has arrived, it is not joyous for all. His presence, then and now, are seen as a threat to some. We can make parallel analogies of what is read in the Gospel, with events of today. However, to do so too quickly may hide a fundamental truth. Evil and injustice are threatened by Jesus Christ.

We see it in today’s Gospel, and it appears numerous other times within the Gospels. Throughout the Gospel, who stands up quickly and recognizes Jesus? The answer: The demons or evil ones. Once they recognize Jesus they shout out because they are threatened. King Herod’s story illustrates this truth. He is not a religious man, he is an evil one. He orders the killing of babies, in an attempt to kill Jesus. Why? Because he was threatened. Herod wishes to stop the presence of the Lord. He wants the presence stopped before the baby Jesus can become strong. Stop His presence before it changes everything.

The Gospel properly lived and rightly proclaimed is threatening to all earthly power. Listen to the story of Herod and his evil. Hear about how the Innocence in the time of Herod, and in today’s world, enter into Glory. Listen to how evil impacts the world today. Hear about why Jesus’ Presence is Not Always Joyous to Everyone.

The Magi in the House of Herod: French Painter: James Tissot

Other Tissot paintings appear on this site, here, here and here.

In this Gospel, the joyful tidings and the Good News spoken by the Angels on the birth of Our Lord, are not good news to everyone. Our Lord comes into the world to save the world. He comes out of His love for the world. But He doesn’t come to leave the world as it is.

The Magi and Herod: Jesus’ Presence Is Not Joyous to Everyone

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