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Remain In Me, Jesus Tells Us! A Fundamental Requirement in Sharing In the Life of Jesus.

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Remain In Me, Jesus Tells Us! A Fundamental Requirement in Sharing In the Life of Jesus.


In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us He is the Vine, and we are the branches.

We must stay connected to Him! Jesus explains to us what that really means! We have heard this Gospel before, and many of us know it well. But Jesus goes on and exclaims, We Must Remain In Him!

We cannot partially or sometimes remain in Him. We must always Remain in Him! What does that really mean? How do we do that? How do we know if we are actually remaining in Him? Why is this a Must? What happens if we fail at this?

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Remain In Me, Jesus Tells Us! A Fundamental Requirement in Sharing In the Life of Jesus.

Christ (cropped from a larger painting): German Painter: Heinrich Hoffman: 1899

This image was created by our digital team and renamed: The Presence of Jesus at Mass

Gospel Reading: John: 15: 1-8

Remain In Me, Jesus Tells Us! A Fundamental Requirement in Sharing In the Life of Jesus.

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