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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?


In the first reading, God is speaking of something eternal.

God makes a promise. It involves the land and involves Jerusalem, but His promise goes beyond that. God addresses Israel, but reaches beyond it . . . to all mankind. Hear more within the Homily.

The promise is also encountered in our Gospel. It occurs after Jesus’ last great sign . . . the raising of Lazarus. Jesus’ Word reaches into a tomb and raises His friend from the dead. This miracle creates great worry after it happens. It was a sign that could not be ignored. It demanded a response. There was no way to remain indifferent to Jesus’ sign. The religious leaders gather together to determine what to do. He is working many great signs. If we leave Him alone, the people will believe in Him. Therefore, we must stop Him. Why are the leaders concerned? Listen more to the Homily.

The signs really don’t matter to the religious leaders. The leaders decide what to do next.

Why did the religious leaders think Jesus’ must die? The leaders think if Jesus dies, the people will be saved from the external threat (Romans). The leaders think we sacrifice one person, for the betterment of all of us!

That actually was God’s plan. The world doesn’t sacrifice Jesus. The Lord offers Himself up. Hear more.

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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

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Gospel Reading: John 11: 45-56

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

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