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The Lord Forgives David. But, He Holds David Accountable for the Wrong that he has Done. Hear the Lessons for Us!

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Lord Forgives David. But, He Holds David Accountable for the Wrong that he has Done. Hear the Lessons for Us!


In the first reading (not included within this audio) the prophet comes before King David.

David has sinned greatly but acts as nothing wrong has happened. The public is unaware; the world is unaware; and David is resting securely in his home. He is content with both what he has . . . and what has happened. The prophet approaches David.

He says to David, I need your help with this. The prophet creates a story about a poor man, a lamb and a wealthy neighbor. David becomes angered about the injustice within the story to the poor man. David’s heart is so out raged.

The implication of the story, the prophet tells us, is really about David. David committed murder. David committed other sins. David’s heart may be like our own. Our hearts are against injustice, and that may be real. But often these injustices are less evil than the injustice we harbor within ourselves.

It is easy to be outraged of the wrong of another, then it is looking at ourselves. Hear what the prophet does next to David in confronting the king with the reality of his guilt.

David admits his guilt of sin. David does something we all must do. The prophet tells David the Lord has forgiven you. But, . . . it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t pretend that this did not happen!

The Lord will not hold the sin against David. But, He will hold David accountable for the wrong that he has done.

Hear the lessons for us! Listen to this Meditation Media.

King David: Italian Artist: Massimo Stanzione: 1642


The Lord Forgives David. But, He Holds David Accountable for the Wrong that he has Done. Hear the Lessons for Us!

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