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Why Is the Feast Day of the Dedication of Two Basilicas Important for Us?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Why Is the Feast Day of the Dedication of Two Basilicas Important?

Why does the Church celebrate the dedication of a building(s)?

The feast celebrated today reminds us that indeed, dedication of building are very important.

In Rome, as the Church began to grow, it experienced the martyrdom of both St. Peter and St. Paul. Their blood was spilled in testifying to the truth. The location of their martyrdom became centers where Christians gathered and prayed.

Hear more why these two Basilicas are important. Hear more about these two great disciples of Jesus! Listen to this Meditation Media.

St. Peter’s Basilica seen from the Tiber

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Why Is the Feast Day of the Dedication of Two Basilicas Important for Us?

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