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Scripture Tells Us: If You Wish to Follow Jesus, You Have an Obligation to Take Care of Others

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Scripture Tells Us: If You Wish to Follow Jesus, . . .


Today’s readings present a number of wonderful elements of Christian life.

In the first reading (not included within this audio), St. Paul points out much of the law is a series of do nots . . . do not steal, do not … do this. Note the temptation when one hears this statement. Christians normally say . . . I did not steal, I did not bring false witness, etc. Since I am not doing these do nots, I must be doing OK!

But St. Paul is not saying that. All of the do nots add up to do no harm. But St. Paul wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. St. Paul says love does no harm, so it complies with all the old law says. But love doesn’t stop at doing no harm. Love is concerned with doing good for another. That is a big difference. Hear more within the Homily.

St. Paul says it’s not enough to do no harm, if we do no good for those in need. St. Paul says if you take care of yourself, recognize that you have an equal obligation to help the poor and vulnerable . . . an equal obligation to take care of others. That does not come from a government requirement, or a specific philosophy. That fact comes from scripture. You have an equal obligation to take care of others. It is hard wired into what it means to follow Jesus Christ. Hear more within the Homily.

Jesus Speaks to His Disciples and the People

Jesus Teaches the People by the Sea: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886

This painting resides at The Brooklyn Museum

. . . You Have an Obligation to Take Care of Others

Today’s gospel tells us more. St. Luke begins by saying great crowds were following Jesus. Jesus is not impressed by the number of people. He does not celebrate the great number within the crowd. Interesting enough, He gives everyone in the crowd a reason not to be there. Jesus tells the crowd what it actually means to follow Him. He says it’s wonderful that you showed up but let’s talk about what it means to follow Me! He lists the conditions in today’s Gospel.

The Lord insists if you are going to follow Me, I come first. Why? Jesus, through the scripture tells us something important. Love Me first, and then you’ll love your family and others rightly and more fully.  But do not focus on other things first! Why? Hear more within the Homily.

Hear what it means to follow Jesus.  Understand If You Wish to Follow Jesus, You Have an Obligation to Take Care of Others. Listen to this Meditation Media.

Scripture Tells Us: If You Wish to Follow Jesus, You Have an Obligation to Take Care of Others

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