In the Presence of the Angels, I Will Sing Your Praises Lord!
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
In the Presence of the Angels, I Will Sing Your Praises Lord!
When we gather for Mass, we stand with one foot on this Earth, and the other, in Heaven.
Our liturgy and prayers in Church, are not merely our own! Our prayer at Mass participates in and unites itself to that unending jubilation of Angelic worship in Heaven.
On the Feast of the Archangels, hear what it is we celebrate! Understand more about Angels and how they participate in the Mass. Understand who the Archangels are in Heaven.
Listen to In the Presence of the Angels, I Will Sing Your Praises Lord! Listen to this Meditation Media.
Want to hear more about Angels on this website? Here are three! Listen to:

The Virgin with Angels (cropped): French Artist and Painter: William-Adolphe Bouguereau: 1900
This is a small, cropped version of The Virgin with Angels showing the angels tending the Virgin and Our Lord.