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The Significance and Dignity of Nathaniel – One of the Twelve Apostles

Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Significance and Dignity of Nathaniel – One of the Twelve Apostles


The Gospel recounts how Nathaniel was called by Jesus.

The Homily explains Nathaniel and the Apostle Bartholomew are one in the same person. Why two names? Listen more to the Homily to understand why!

Nathaniel is very significant, though in today’s age many know very little about him. The most important thing to know about Nathaniel is he is one of the twelve Apostles.

In the first reading (not included within this audio), we hear about the new Jerusalem coming down from Heaven. The Glory of God Himself illuminates the new city!   This is the image of the Church.

We also hear about the significance and dignity of what it means to be one of the twelve Apostles. There are gates in the city by which the nations may enter. The gates bear the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. As we hear more, we understand the gates of the city rest upon something. The city does not rest on the twelve tribes of Israel.  The city is founded upon the twelve Apostles.

Why is this first reading so important to us? Learn more about Nathaniel! Listen more to this Meditation Media.

The Apostle Bartholomew: Dutch Painter: Rembrandt: 1657

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The Significance and Dignity of Nathaniel – One of the Twelve Apostles

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