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Understand How Death Needs to Impact Our Spiritual Life

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Understand How Death Needs to . . .


There   is a truth that is often off-putting. We are all, eventually, going to die.

It is a truth that the human heart often avoids. We do a lot to protect ourselves. We cloth ourselves in a way so that we do not get sick. We protect ourselves when we install security alarms. We visit doctors’ offices, especially as we get older. The Homily lists several other ways we protect ourselves.

We do all this protection, to keep us safe and to keep us alive. Yet we rarely reflect on death itself. It is inevitable, but we rarely meditate on this topic. The Church recognizes this as well. That is why we have All Souls Day.

It is a day where the Church puts before us the mystery of our own mortality. It does so against the horizon that we have all . . . loss someone. When we speak of death, we refer to it as loss of life. When someone passes, those that have been left behind say they have loss someone. When we gather at Mass, we hear about Jesus’ mission of saving those that are loss. Is that what he meant? Interesting! The Homily tells us more.

. . . Impact Our Spiritual Life

Just like us, when Jesus was born on Christmas Day, He began his movement . . . His journey to the grave. When He decided to take on our humanity, He decided to take on all of humanity, including death.

Death is in the world, on account of sin. In the case of Jesus, He embraces death, because He loves us! Note the two different views. On one hand death is a consequence … death is a punishment. Then there is God, who loves us to the point of death, and refuses to let us remain loss.

Hear more and understand how death needs to impact our spiritual life. Listen to what the Church actually gives us on All Souls Day. Hear more in this Meditation Media.

All Souls Day: Bohemia Painter: Jakub Schikaneder: 1888

Understand How Death Needs to Impact Our Spiritual Life

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