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Our World is Afflicted with the Inability to See the Fundamental Dignity of the Living

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Our World is Afflicted with the Inability to See . . .


The  readings today focus on how clearly, we see.

How good is our vision? It is an important question as the Shrine prepares for its Novena for Life. The so called “Pro-Life” movement can be vulnerable to is a certain kind of tunnel vision. Vulnerable to a certain form of selective seeing. This is not surprising . . . since the human heart has been inflicted by this since the beginning of time.

The Homily today focuses not on the shallow sense of Pro-Life that is bantered about in political debates. The focus is not on the shallow sense of defense of life that reduces itself to slogans.

The Homily deals with the fundamentally Christian sense of respect for life that starts someplace else. It is a deeper and much more challenging thing.

The responsorial song today (not included within the audio) is the Magnificat. It is a marvelous hymn that Our Lady, full of divine life, sings. Note what she says: …. because He has looked upon me. He does not look upon Our Lady in her virtues. He has looked upon me in my lowliness.

In speaking this way Our Lady rejoices with the life she carries within her. She also gives voice as well to that great sense of wonderment that has been with the people of God since the beginning.

. . . the Fundamental Dignity of the Living

The Lord says in Deuteronomy, I didn’t choose you because you were great or had potential. I chose you because you were the lowest of all beings. I chose you because I love you and give my heart to you. The Lord says this . . . not about the child in the womb. He says this to and about people who have already been born.

Our world is afflicted with the inability to see the fundamental dignity of the living. Not just the living unborn . . . but the living born as well. That hole in the heart of man leads to the diminishment of the dignity of life. When we cheapen the life of those that we see, how easy it is to cheapen the life hidden in the womb.

The Gospel today is the story of you did not feed or cloth me when I was hungry or naked. A familiar story. Listen to it within the context of the focus on life.

Hear more about this topic that is challenging and beautiful.  Understand how the Lord sees our lowliness. Understand how the Lord sees all of us! Listen to this Meditation Media.

Our world is afflicted with the inability to see the fundamental dignity of the living. Not just the living unborn . . . but the living born as well. That hole in the heart of man leads to the diminishment of the dignity of life. When we cheapen the life of those that we see, how easy it is to cheapen the life hidden in the womb.

Our World is Afflicted with the Inability to See the Fundamental Dignity of the Living

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