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St. Paul Reminds the Church in His Writing Not to Be Influenced by the Crowd Way of Thinking …

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

St. Paul Reminds the Church in His Writing . . .

Have you ever been (or seen another) pressured to act in a way that is uncharacteristic?

Have you ever been tempted to do or say or try something . . . but you stop, because you wondered about what people might think?

The first reading (not included within this audio) is about that! St. Paul was writing to a Church. A group of believers were beginning to set down what was right and what was good. These believers wrote that others need to pray and practice “like we do”. This led to some self-centeredness. Those who worship differently are “not good enough”.   It subsequently became a real problem for the Church. The problem spilled out to other towns and cities. To the same places where St. Paul was also writing. It led to some groups saying, “we are the better ones, and you are not”.

While the practices’ focus on Jewish practices, the problem boils down as one group saying they were better than others. That only they could tell others the “right way”. This worried the leaders of the Church. Hear more within the Homily.

. . . Not to Be Influenced by the Crowd Way of Thinking …

St. Paul writes from the standpoint that he will be the guy who says something about these groups. In doing so, there are people that approach St. Paul saying . . . why don’t you do what we do!

St. Paul’s answer . . . no I will not! Because it will not be real. I’ll be living a fake life . . . if I worried what you think of me! I could never live a fake life because of what someone may or may not say about me. You’ll have me not do certain good things for people . . . because others do not like them! Jesus did not call me (St. Paul) for that!

Paul went to certain Apostles to remind them of what Jesus wants . . . and not what the crowd wants. The opposite of freedom is being afraid. Afraid of what the crowd thinks.

St. Paul reminds the Church as to what the Church is really about. He reminds them of what Jesus did for them! He reminds them the Holy Spirit wants all to be free. To follow Jesus’ teachings and not be influenced how another . . . or how a crowd thinks. St. Paul Reminds the Church in His Writing Not to Be Influenced by the Crowd Way of Thinking … If It Is Not Based Upon Jesus’ Teachings.

Listen to the Gospel, when Jesus tells His Apostles how to pray. Listen to this Meditation Media.

St. Paul In Prison: Dutch Painter: Rembrandt: 1672

St. Paul Reminds the Church in His Writing Not to Be Influenced by the Crowd Way of Thinking …

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