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Some of the Gestures and Symbolisms of the Mass

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Some of the Gestures and Symbolisms of the Mass


Why   do we bless ourselves before the Gospel?


We make a specific gesture immediately before the Gospel reading. Why? Hear more in the Homily given to pilgrims from a Catholic School.

Why does a priest use the Chalice? Can the priest use an ordinary cup?  The answer is no, because there are specific Mass rules that prevent that.  Hear more in the Homily.

Why do priests prepare the altar the way they do? What is the name of the cloth the priest spreads on the altar just before placing the chalice down?  What does it do? And, what prayers are said by the priest as they prepare the altar?

Why is water added to the wine? What does the water represent? During Mass the priest extends his peace. But it is not his peace that he is extending. Understand the importance of the peace gesture.

Listen to the explanation of several steps within the Mass. Listen to this Meditation Media.


Note: the full Mass has been edited. The audio contains only the instructive and explanation portions of the Mass.

Some of the Gestures and Symbolisms of the Mass

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