The Love of a Husband for His Wife, and the Love of Wife for Her Husband Shows the World the Love of God for His People
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Shows the World the Love of God for His People
The readings today place the issue of marriage before us, but not in a legalistic way.
We are tempted to see marriage in legal terms from the scripture, but the readings present a broader picture of marriage.
In the first reading (not included within this audio), marriage is talked about in terms of Jesus’ relationship with Jerusalem. In a blunt way, the Lord speaks through the prophet to the city of Jerusalem. The Lord says remember who you are . . . and who you were. The Lord also says, Divorce is not my way! Hear the context of the first reading. Listen to what the Lord says in this Homily.
Why Begin Discussion By Talking About Walking Away
In the Gospel we hear that the Pharisees come to Jesus and ask Him, is divorce good? . . . is it permissible? Our Lord, who left His Glory in heaven, to cloth Himself in flesh, is approached by His people and asked this question.
The Lord has experienced over centuries, human-kind’s unfaithfulness to Him, and He has not divorced us! Yet, His people ask this question.
The Lord asks why do we begin . . . by walking away? Let’s look at what marriage is, says Jesus. The Lord has a place for marriage life in His plan. A plan that is not just how the world gets populated. The plan emphasizes marriage . . . because:
The love of husband for wife and wife for husband shows the world the love of God for his people and the people for God.
It shows the world of this love in a way that nothing else can. Wow! The love of marriage is like the love between God for His people and His people for God. That is an amazingly special love with God. God gives a special love for God a visible means on Earth. It is the love within a marriage.
The Lord Discusses Marriage as Part of His Plan
The Pharisees are asking what is permissible. Jesus speaks about something greater than the question.
The love of a husband for his wife, and the love of wife for her husband shows the world the love of God for his people.
Listen to the Greatness of Marriage. Listen to How the Lord loves us and what it means to our spiritual journey. Hear more within this Meditation Media.

Marriage of the Virgin Mary and Joseph: Italian Painter: Raphael: 1504
If you enjoyed this Meditation Media, you may also find this Meditation Media equally appealing: Jesus Talks About Marriage.
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The Love of Husband and Wife Shows the World the Love of God for His People