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Jesus Talks about Marriage

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Talks about Marriage


The Homily first begins with the St. James’ letter (not included in this audio).

The audio reviews some of the messages within St. James’ letter . . . including communication and human complaining. It also reviews doing the will of God and surrendering to the Lord. Surrendering to the will of God, opens one up to the graces the Lord desires for us! Listen to more within this audio.

The Gospel story is a question posed to Jesus. Jesus talks about the nature of marriage. But before scripture tells us what Jesus says, immediately before is a note on what it is to engage the will of God and live the life of faith. There is a connection between these two points.

Note how the Pharisees begin addressing Jesus. Is it lawful (or permitted) to divorce …? This is the trap that the human heart . . . often believers’ hearts . . . fall into regularly. What am I allowed to do? Or, what can I get away with?

What did Jesus say? He said, what did Moses command you? What did Moses say you SHOULD do? The scripture is subtle here. It is fundamental to understanding this passage more fully. Scripture is not at the service of telling us . . . what we are allowed to do! Scripture tells us what the will of God is for our lives! What we should do!

Real freedom is not doing what you are allowed to do! Real freedom is actually doing what you should be doing in the first place! Wow! A novel concept! Hear more within the audio.

Jesus Tells Us About the Nature of Marriage . . . and Its Importance

Hear what Jesus says about marriage and the meaning of marriage! In today’s world, marriage has many definitions. The audio covers several. But the world’s view is not God’s view of marriage. This passage is often regulated to  . . . can one divorce or not . . . and can they still receive the sacraments. While this is not unimportant, that is not the essential element of the passage. Again, that is not God’s view of marriage.

Jesus grounds His discussion . . . In the beginning, God made them man and woman . . . and they were made for each other. God made human beings . . . and therefore, human relationships have their origin in GOD! The Homily continues . . . scriptures tells us  . . . that is the reason man will leave his family.

Man and Woman’s relation is a higher love than a son’s (and daughter’s) relationship with his (her) mother and father. Man and woman’s relationship origin is a higher love. Hear more about this higher love.

Jesus further says . . . God affects this. In each marriage ceremony the Church includes the following . . . what God has joined . . . Not what man and woman joins! What God has joined! Marriage is not simply the uniting of a man and woman. God unites man and woman. What actually does that mean? In matrimony, the man and woman surrender to the movement of divine grace! Hear more what Jesus says.

Jesus concludes: All human love comes from the love of man and woman. Listen to what that means! Understand the holiness of marriage. Understand how God views marriage! Listen to this Meditation Media on marriage.

Marriage of the Virgin Mary and Joseph: Italian Painter: Raphael: 1504

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Jesus Talks about Marriage

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