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The Father is Pleased to Bestow the Kingdom of God on You!

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Father is Pleased to Bestow the Kingdom of God on You!


Much  will be required of the person entrusted with much.

And still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.

Often, scripture tells us stories that are off putting or upsetting. Often, these stories come from Jesus Himself. It is good to remind the human heart of this . . . because humans like religion that is safe. We like religion that is consoling . . . and certainly like religion that is uplifting. We also like religion when it does not ask too much from us.  But, . . . that is not real religion. Passages like today’s Gospel remind us of this fact.

The Lord has given us a great thing . . . Salvation. Though our hearts might be willing to settle for something less than great . . . He is not!

In today’s Gospel, we hear from sacred scripture statements about the looking forward character of faith. Wow! What does that mean?

God the Father Painting: Italian Painter: Giovanni Battista Cima: 1510-1517

  Giovanni Battista Cima, known also as Cima da Conegliano.


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What is Faith?


Faith is often reduced by humans as belief in certain statements . . . or certain propositions.

While partially true, that is not faith by its fullest definition. Faith has other intrinsic powerful aspects of faith. The first aspect happens when we say the Creed. We say, I believe IN God. We do not say we believe God . . . or that I believe in things about God. No, that is not we say in this prayer. We believe IN God. That is different. Hear the significance of these two-letter word we pray within the Homily.

This belief launches us into the looking forward characteristic of Faith. The Homily explains what looking forward means. It gives the example of Abraham. He was given a promise that he never fully possesses. He was given the promise because he believed in the One who made the promise. Christian life is forward looking. Hear more about the looking forward characteristic of Faith.

Jesus tells us . . . do not be afraid. The Father is pleased to bestow the Kingdom of God on you! Look forward as a Christian, understanding what God wants for us!

When the Lord speaks this way, He tells us something. This is the anecdote to depression. Remember what God wants for you! Remember what we all are moving towards! Believe IN Him. Believe the words you say in the Creed . . . I believe IN God. Jesus also tells us to prepare a treasure for ourselves! Wow!

Hear more within this Homily about what God has for you! Hear more about preparing your own treasure! Listen to this Meditation Media.

The Father is Pleased to Bestow the Kingdom of God on You!

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