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Cast Your Net Toward Jesus

Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Cast Your Net Toward Jesus


The Lord says, within the Gospel, the Angels will separate the good from the bad . . .

Do you understand? In the Gospel, as it is with today’s passage, it is remarkable when the Lord asks a question. Often it is both the question and the answer that are remarkable. Often the is deeper than what appears on first glance.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net cast out into the sea, says the Lord. The point of casting the net is to catch something. The net catches all. It catches the good. It catches the life sustaining. And catches the good for nothing. After brining in the bounty of the sea, one needs to separate this bounty. It is a process of holding onto what is good and casting aside what is not good.

The Lord then gives this story a sense of ultimacy. The world is like the sea, says the Lord. Abundant with life . . . with human life. The Lord tells us that His Angels will cast the net across the world. Hear more within the Homily.

The Lord tells us this . . . His disciples, not to threaten us. But He is saying what we do with our time and our choices has a great value. Hear more within the Homily.

The Homily further explains the first reading (not included within this media) about the potter and how he shapes the clay into a finished product. There are some clay pieces that are fashioned directly into a good and final product.  Others, the potter has to reshape.  Hear more within the Homily.

Hear more about Casting Your Net Toward Jesus. Listen to this Meditation Media.

The First Miraculous Draught of Fish: French Artist and Painter: James Tissot: 1886

Cast Your Net Toward Jesus


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