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Those that do the will of God are My Brothers and My Sisters . . .

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Those that do the will of God are My Brothers and My Sisters . . .


On  the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, today’s scripture has a tone of a note of belonging.

The Homily discusses the first reading (not included within this audio). The reading first calls upon all to rejoice. But rejoice for a reason. The reason? That God will come and dwell with us! This is what the prophet tells us! Rejoice! It’s not just a proclamation of what is to come. Rejoice in how wonderous this is! That God will come and abide with us. Listen more within the Homily.

Hear also how Our Lady rejoices with Our Lord coming to abide with us. She rejoices not just because the Lord is within her. She rejoices because the Lord noticed her. The Homily explores this in some detail.

In the Gospel, Jesus is in the temple, and someone tells Him His Mother and Brothers are outside wishing to speak with Him. Pointing to His disciples, He asks: Who are my Mother and Brothers? Those that do the will of God are My Brothers and My Sisters and My Mother.
Jesus is not saying anything bad against His Mother. What He is asking is: What makes her so united with me? What does it mean to belong to Me? Hear what makes Our Lady great . . . . in the eyes of God! It is a lesson for all of us!

Listen to the Homily on this Feast Day. Listen to this Meditation Media.

Our Lady of Carmel and Saints: Italian Painter: Pietro Novelli: 1641

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Those that do the will of God are My Brothers and My Sisters . . .

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