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Jesus is One with the Father . . . and . . .

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus is One With the Father . . . and . . .


In the Gospel we hear that Jesus is praying on Holy Thursday night.

Jesus prays to His Father. It rises from His heart . . . to His Father. The Lord, who could ask for anything, . . . asks for just one thing. This one thing must be important . . . because He asks on the night before His Passion. It must be a great thing.

If anyone prays the night before one dies, all of the superficial things fall away. Only the things that mean the most would remain. The night before He dies, Jesus prays. He prays in the presence of His Church. He prays with His Apostles gathered around Him. They are witnesses to His prayer.

On the night before He dies, He prays for His Apostles. He prays for all who will hear their witness and testimony. Jesus prays not for them to be effective missionaries. He prays to His Father . . . that they be one.

The Father and Jesus are One . . .  and . . . Understand what all that means! Listen to this Meditation Media.

The Eternal Father: Italian Artist: Guercino: 1645

Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, better known as Guercino

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Jesus is One With the Father . . . and . . .

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