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I am the Light of the World! How will you respond?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

I am the Light of the World! How will you respond?


As the Apostles started their mission in spreading the news of the Gospels, we often do not realize that early in the process, the Apostles spoke in the synagogues.

There were many more synagogues outside of Judea than in Judea. In Greek cities, there were synagogues, and Jews who spoke Greek. St. Paul arrives at various Greek cities, but they are not complete strangers. While the Church begins its mission speaking in the synagogues, it will soon step out beyond them. The Homily provides more details.

I Have Not Come to Condemn the World

The Lord says in the Gospel several times, I am the Light. There is a difference between not seeing . . . because eyes medically do not work . . . and not seeing the Light. There are some things that only Jesus . . . only the Light reveals. There is a seeing that is not possible without His Light. There is a knowing that is not possible, unless He is present.

Whoever sees Me . . .sees the One who sent Me! I am never alone, because He is always with Me! The two are inseparable. If you desire the Father, then you will come through Me.

I Am The Light

Jesus has not come into the world to condemn the non-believers . . . not to condemn anyone. He has come for one reason . . . for the sake of salvation. If you do not accept Me, Jesus says, I am not here to condemn you.

Jesus’ Words are not merely His. They are also the Father’s. So, if you reject Jesus, do not fool yourself saying you’ll have a relationship with God. That is not correct. Salvation is through Jesus.

The Church goes out and preaches that Jesus is the Light of the World. The Church also says that each individual was created for this time, and asks how will you respond to the Light of the World? The Church asks us all . . . how will you respond?

Hear the implications of this statement. Listen to this Meditation Media.

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Light of the World: English Artist and Painter: William Hunt: 1852

The Lord knocks on everyone’s heart.  It is up to each to decide whether to open this door.  Notice, on purpose, there is no door handle.  It must be opened from the inside.

I am the Light of the World! How will you respond?

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