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Who ever sees Me . . . you have seen the Father

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Who ever sees Me . . . you have seen the Father



The  Apostolic Nature of the Church.

After 2000 years of history, we need to be periodically reminded. It is important to recall just where the Apostolic witness comes from and what it consists.

If one was to explain . . . who is Jesus, where would you start? Why is He important? Where do you begin to explain? The resurrection is the starting point of the Apostolic witness of the Church. The Apostolic witness is from those who encountered Jesus risen from the dead.

This is where one begins. The Apostles’ witness. Hear more within this Homily.

The Lord says whoever sees Me . . . you have seen the Father. Jesus is speaking about more than the physical resemblance. Hear more about what this means. Listen to this Meditation Media.

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Who ever sees Me . . . you have seen the Father

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