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The Point Where Heaven Touches Earth

Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Point Where Heaven Touches Earth


The   Point Where Heaven Touches Earth


On the Feast of St. Louis de Montfort (April 28th) we honor our Savior. We honor our Savior, the Word Who Became Flesh, yet He could not speak as an infant. He had to grow into speaking. We honor the Savior, the very Presence of God, Who hid Himself for thirty years.

Over these seven weeks of Easter, we honor the Our Lord for His Resurrection, He, Who does not reveal His resurrection to the world. He is pleased to hide His resurrection in the voices of the Apostles and Disciples sent forth across to world. The audio further discusses St. Louis de Montfort’s preaching and his vocation.

Psalm 19: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Fr. de Montfort would let the light of the Gospel shine upon him. He lived conscious of the bright light of Jesus’ victory. However cloudy it was in the world, Montfort’s spirit always walked within the light of Jesus’ victory. He would allow nothing in his life to be concealed from this light.

In Psalm 19 it states At one end of the sky . . . What do we mean by the end of the sky? It is The Point where Heaven Touches Earth. At the point where Heaven meets the Earth is the rising and coming forth of the light. This point has a name. Her name is Mary! She is the Tent . . . the Point . . . that the Lord has placed at the end of the sky! She is the point where Heaven meets Earth!

The Point Heaven Touches the Earth

For Fr. de Montfort, the secret of living in the light begins by finding that Tent . . . by finding the point where Heaven meets Earth.

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The Point Where Heaven Touches Earth

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