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King Solomon . . . Content With His Sin

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

King Solomon . . . Content With His Sin


In the first reading (not included within this audio), as well as the Gospel, there is something challenging for us!

We have heard in the previous days’ readings several passages about King Solomon. We have heard of his great wisdom and faithfulness. Today, we hear something that should give us a pause. Today, out of nowhere, we hear of his great wealth, and then the fall of Solomon. He once held a lofty height, raised by the Lord. Then he fell.

Prior to this reading, we hear of Solomon’s steady increase in wisdom and faith. Nothing suggests anything else. Then today happens. Today’s audio goes into the details of his fall. Similar to his father David, who also fell, Solomon also falls. Solomon started his reign with greater wisdom. However, David had something perhaps Solomon did not. David had a jealously for the honor of God. David had a great faithfulness.

So, what is the lesson? David committed murder and more. Solomon’s evil deeds are explained in the audio. Isn’t David’s actions worse? The audio then describes what happens when both are confronted with their sins. That is the difference and that is the lesson for us all.

David, when confronted, acknowledges the sin, repents for his sins, then cries out to the Lord for forgiveness. He then submits to the punishment that will come to him. Hear more about how David and Solomon should influence our lives.

Queen of Sheba visits King-Solomon: Dutch Painter: Dirck Van Delen: 1642

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King Solomon . . . Content With His Sin

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