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King David And His Rest In The Lord Is Broken

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

King David And His Rest In The Lord  . . .


In  the first reading (not included within this audio), David is portrayed as a heroic and a faithful servant and king.

In the reading today, events unfold that we do not think . . . or have heard evidence that the reverse will happen. Yet it does happen!

It is an example that when people attribute other living souls as holy and faithful, must be done so with great care. Up to this point, when we look at David, we look at a saint. Then today’s scripture happens. This is not a small movement from grace. We are talking about adultery and murder. It is both a political and a moral crime at the same time. This is a shocking moment. A remarkable fall from grace.

. . . Is Broken

Scripture does not disclose the outrage of these events; rather, it unfolds the details. In today’s world, if a political leader did such a thing, the media would cry foul with many emotions attached to these events. In this case, David was not battling a foreign enemy. He was not at war. David was king; he was friends with God; he had the love of his people. David was at rest.

The lesson: one must be careful in thinking one is holy. One must work to remain faithful, even when at rest. One of the important ways Our Lord talks about the kingdom of God and salvation, is in terms of rest. Our Lord speaks often about entering into His rest. We will have rest from our enemies; we will have rest from our labor.

But scripture tells of us there are different types of rest. There is a right kind of rest and a wrong type of rest. Rest in the Lord and resting in the blessings of what the Lord gives us are the two types. David was resting in the blessings. It is not wrong to receive blessings. Hear the audio describe this distinction in detail.

David tries to find his own way out of these events. It is a pattern that has occurred throughout human history. Our own way often makes the original events even worse. Hear more about trying to find our own way . . . without the Lord. Listen to this Meditation Media.

King David – the King of Israel: Dutch Painter: Gerard van Honthorst:  1622

King David playing the harp.

King David And His Rest In The Lord Is Broken . . .

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