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Why Did God Make You?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Why Did God Make You?


Who made you?


Of course, the answer is God. The next question is Why did God Make You? Where did I come from? I am not the origin of my life. The earth, this world, is not the total origin of my life. Life comes from someone else. God made me and you!

He made you . . . not on a whim. You were made . . . for a reason. There is a point and direction and reason for my life . . . and your life! You were made . . . for a reason by God. What . . . is that reason? Why were you made?

The answer to this why question is also the answer to the purpose or goal of your life. And what is that reason? You were made to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this life; so that you may be happy with Him, in the next life! God made you . . . for Him and to share the eternity of His own joy and happiness.

If that is the case, what is the way to grow into this everlasting happiness? Hear more in the audio.

The answer to the questions is very simple. Thought provoking!   Meditate on the questions. Listen more in this Meditation Media.

Note: The homily occurs on the birthday of Fr. de Montfort. The audio set also covers the three birthdays each of us celebrates within our lives. 

A Child Shall Lead Them: English Painter: William Strutt:  1896

Why Did God Make You?

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