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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God


The  Lord came into this world dependent on one of His Creators.

Hear about what is celebrated on this Solemnity and how we spirituality must do what Our Lord did and continues to do . . . love and depend upon His Mother. He who is the Creator of all lays aside His Glory to save us all and makes Himself dependent upon Our Lady. Our Lord is pleased to enter the world and redeem us in this manner. He humbles Himself in doing so.

Listen to this very brief Homily (14 minutes) and understand how this Feast Day should impact our spiritual life.

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The Nativity: Italian Painter and Artist: Federico Barocci:  approximately 1590

Notice, the light comes from the child Jesus, the light of the world.  The blue mantel that normally covers Mary, covers the Lord.  Our Lord, humbled himself to be clothed in humanity.  Mary welcomes the Nativity Scene as the Light from Our Lord streaks across Mary.  Mary reaches out to the Lord, as she does all her children.

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

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