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Left on Our Own . . .

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Left on Our Own . . .


S    ometimes as we read the Gospel, we encounter some confusing statements made by Jesus.

There are times when numerous things are said, one after the other.  At times it can be overwhelming, if not confusing. Today’s Gospel is like this.

In the first reading (not captured within the audio), the message is Jesus is patient with sinners. Yet, he does not encourage or stand for evilness. The message goes on to question what is in the heart.

In today’s Gospel, it is what is in the heart of man that is questioned by Jesus. In today’s sinful world, it is easy to have evil take residence in the heart. It is also true that we are content to allow our hearts to make a home in the wickedness that the world offers.

As Jesus moves in His ministry, he heals those inflicted by evil spirits. He casts out demons. The reaction from the crowds is remarkable! The crowd concludes, that Jesus can drive out demons, because he is a demon also. Their hearts were closed at the sight of this healing miracle.

Many in the crowd already made up their minds about Jesus, so when He gives them a sign, their hearts are closed to it. Others demand a sign from Heaven, even after Jesus just gave them one – the healing.

Jesus asks the crowd, are others who cast out demons in the name of God, are they also evil? They presuppose that Jesus is a demon, what about others?

All That Is Less Than You . . .

Jesus then continues talking to the crowd to make them understand. A House divided against itself . . . Jesus says evil does not throw out evil. Why would you think that? Historically, this statement was also used by Abraham Lincoln as we stood on the doorstep of Civil War.

Left on your own, all will experience wickedness. Left on your own, all that is less than you . . . will begin to dominate you. On your own, your heart will be dominated by wickedness. Arrogance, pride, stubbornness, anger, resentment and fear will take root in man’s heart . . . left on his own.

Jesus tells us in this Gospel that He will not let us be on our own. Jesus tells us He breaks the power of the wickedness.

Hear more in this Meditation Piece.

The audio references an icon painting in Pilgrim Hall. That picture also appears at the right. Hear its description near the end of this audio.

Jesus Healing:  Jean-Marie Melchior Doze: 1827-1913

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Left on Our Own . . .

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