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Receiving the Glory of His Forgiveness

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

A Relationship With Jesus


Today’s    Gospel passage focuses on Simon, a Pharisees and a Sinful Woman.

Simon has a serious faith, and was proud. He welcomed Jesus into his home. Further, a sinner begins to wash Jesus’ feet with her tears, and wipes them with her hair. She anoints Him with oil.

In scripture, when someone invites Jesus into their home, we see others are also present. In our modern world, many Christians attempt to invite Jesus and have a relationship by making it private. Jesus and me. Many think they have a relationship with the Lord . . . a private relationship.

There is no relationship with the Lord that does not include His people.

In the passage we see Simon opening his door to Jesus and other, uninvited guests also show up, including the sinful woman. The door that was open for Jesus was also open for her.  There is a lesson here for us as well. We do not get to pick and choose those who will be present in our relationship with the Lord. We certainly can pick some, but the Lord has others that He draws to Him. If we are with the Lord, then these people are also drawn to us also. In the story, the righteous man invites Jesus into his home, and the unrighteous woman also enters.

St. Louis de Montfort echoes this fact. When on a mission and someone invited him to dinner, the saint would say yes, but only if he could bring a friend. He would show up with several beggars. If you invite me, you also invite those that come with me. A lesson Jesus taught . . . a lesson Montfort lived by.

Repentance Comes First

Note the woman. She desires to express affection to the Lord. The woman desires to honor the Lord. She desires to praise the Lord. Notice how she starts. She doesn’t start with a word of praise. She doesn’t immediately start by anointing Jesus. Why? Because that would be the wrong move.

Before she anoints the Lord, she weeps. Notice the sequence. Repentance comes first! Not praise, but repentance comes first! She knows the Lord and knows He receives the sinner. She does not praise His Glory, without first receiving the Glory of His forgiveness and healing.  Our praise and prayers are often shallow because we forget this lesson.

Find out more about the significance of this passage to our Spiritual Life. Listen to this Meditation piece.

Anointing of Jesus: Alexandre Bida: 1861

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Receiving the Glory of His Forgiveness

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