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Why do we Mark Ourselves Before We Proclaim . . . and Listen to The Gospel?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Gestures and Vessels of Mass

The   human mind, at times wanders, even in Church.

We mark ourselves before the Gospel is proclaimed as a way for helping prepare to pay attention. The marking is actually a way to ask the Lord for a gift. We mark our forehead to help us remember His Word. May the Word, stay on our mind. After that, we mark our lips . . . and then we finally make the third sign over the heart. Hear why we do each of these actions within this meditation audio.

In the Homily, the question is posed to young people; should a priest use a coffee cup or chalice? Why use the chalice? An explanation is given as to why the priests use it during the Mass. Listen to why a priest uses certain things during Mass.  Listen to the analogy about a person who receives the Eucharist.

This homily is entertaining and great for young people, and also as a reminder for not so young people, about certain gestures and vessels (and our hearts) used in the Mass.

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The Gestures and Vessels of Mass

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