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Why Are You Here: Why Are You At Mass?

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Why Are You Here?


T  oday’s Gospel focus moves beyond the feeding of the people with loaves of bread and fish.

Jesus departs, and the people do not see Jesus, or His disciples. The people go across the water and find Jesus once again.

Jesus asks them a question. Why are you here? They have just been fed, and yet are looking for more signs from Jesus. Why are you here?, Jesus asks. They are here because they wanted to find Jesus.

Yet, that is not enough. They came to find Jesus. And Jesus, basically says, Why are you really here? They traveled a great distance to be with Jesus. And He asks the people that question (from the Bread of Life discourse in Jn:6).

This Gospel is also for us. Why do we seek Jesus? Why do we go to Mass? And, why do we desire the Holy Eucharist?

Listen to this Meditation piece. Hear why the Israelites in the Gospel were looking for Jesus the way they did.

Miracle of the Bread and Fish: Italian Painter: Giovanni Lanfranco: 1620

Why Are You Here: Why Are You At Mass?


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