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The Assumption: Our Feast Day Too!

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Our Feast Day Too!

T oday is the Feast Day of the Assumption. It is Mary’s Feast Day! The day she victoriously was lifted into Heaven. Lifted into her glory. However, it is our feast day too! Why?

We celebrate Mary, who was lifted up on the shoulders of the Angels, and who bear her joyfully into heaven. When we gather on this day, we also lift her up. We lift her up as a Church.

This day we celebrate not just Our Lady, we celebrate on this day . . . us too! In the 1950s, Pope Pius XII issued a dogma stating Our Lady was completely assumed into Heaven.

Listen more to this Meditation audio and understand this Feast Day and why it is our feast day too!

The Assumption of Mary: Dutch Painter: Pieter Fransz. de Grebber: 1648

The Assumption: Our Feast Day Too!


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