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Q&A:I have heard it said that Montfort Spirituality insists that it is impossible to be consecrated to Mary without being consecrated to Jesus. Would you kindly clarify this. I find it confusing.

Father J. Patrick Gaffney, SMM

Consecration . . .

Saint Louis de Montfort insists that there are not TWO consecrations, one to Jesus and another to Mary. And that’s fundamental in his thought. There is an inseparable and indissoluble bond between Jesus and Mary, between the Redeemer and His faith-filled Associate, between the one and only Mediator of Redemption and the Mediatrix of intercession.

The Trinity has willed that Mary be necessary in the Incarnation and therefore in all that flows from it. Her cooperation is not forced, it is free, active and responsible. She is by God’s choice the Mother of the Redeemer and the Yes of the universe to God’s desire to love us in and through His Son.

No one can tear asunder what God has joined together; He has joined the Incarnate Wisdom and Mary together in the work of redemption. There is no way that we can have devotion to Mary and not have an irresistible devotion to our final goal, Jesus Christ. There is no way that we can consecrate ourselves to Jesus and knowingly disregard the necessary and effective Yes of Mary to God’s plan by which the Word became Flesh and she became His Mother.

Therefore, there is only one consecration: the goal is Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary; the path is Mary. Who according to God’s plan, in the power of the Spirit leads us infallibly into the life of her Son.

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Therefore, there is only one consecration: the goal is Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary; the path is Mary. Who according to God’s plan, in the power of the Spirit leads us infallibly into the life of her Son.

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