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The First Annunciation

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The First Annunciation


Before Gabriel Visits Mary, He Visits Zechariah.


That is the first Annunciation that is found in the Gospel of St. Luke. After that, there is the Annunciation of Our Lord to Our Lady. Later, there is the third annunciation. This is the announcement to the shepherds that a Savior is born. In the Gospel of Luke there are several annunciations. If we step back, we see in St. Matthew’s Gospel, there is also an Annunciation to Joseph.

We sometimes do not look at the Gospels as a whole. Its common to focus on just one Annunciation. When we pray the Rosary and say the first mystery, we pray THE ANNUNCIATION. But it is not the only annunciation. THE Annunciation, of course, is greater than all others. On the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Gospel will focus on THE Annunciation. But on this day, we have two other annunciations placed before us in the gospels.

Hear about the first annunciation in St. Luke’s Gospel. The parents of St. John the Baptist. Learn more about St. John the Baptist. Listen to how this Gospel should impact us in this season of Advent.

Angel Gabriel with Zechariah: Russian Painter: Alexander Ivanov: 1824

The First Annunciation

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