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Ladder of Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

L adder of Consecration

We are all members of the Body of Christ. We are all Mary’s children. However, we are at different stages on our Spiritual Journey. Some people are just beginning to know Mary. Others may be Living their Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

This video explains the various steps in the Ladder of Consecration. To say it differently: there are five steps or levels of Consecration to Mary. Each of these steps or levels are built upon the prior level. One can not go to the fifth level of Consecration, without climbing the previous levels. Listen to more about what is Consecration to Mary and what are the various levels within the Ladder of Consecration.

Ladder of Consecration – Levels of Consecration

Note: The video above is from The Association of Mary’s Facebook page. The video was streamed live on the FB page. It is made available here for viewing. Start the video by selecting the play icon. Feel free to advance the start of the video to 3:30 in the timeline to bypass the counter and music.

Note: Display the Video Full Screen: To enlarge the video, after it has started, select the double arrow at the bottom of the video, right next to the Facebook icon.

Note: When the Video is Paused or Concludes: When the video ends (or is started and paused), other FB video on the Queen of All Hearts FB are displayed. We recommend you explore other media on this website.

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