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The Mercy of The Good Samaritan

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

T he Mercy of the Good Samaritan


The Gospel for the day is the parable of The Good Samaritan. When a learned person asked the Lord what must he do to obtain eternal life, the Lord in turn asks the person what was his thoughts. The learned person responds One should love thy God with all your heart, with all your might, with all your being; and honor thy neighbor as yourself. But who is my neighbor? Jesus responds with the Good Samaritan parable. Who did God’s will? The one that showed mercy.

The Gospel was read on Divine Mercy Sunday. Hear about the mercy of Our Lord, through this parable within this homily. There is a great cause to celebrate in today’s mystery. There is great cause to rejoice. But there is also a call and challenge for all of us! Hear how the world can use this mercy to change and shape us as He loves us!

We pray that you find this helpful in your own Spiritual Journey.


The Good Samaritan: Dutch Painter: Rembrandt: 1630

The Mercy of The Good Samaritan

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