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Let the Lord Direct You

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

T he Mystery of the Resurrection on Easter

In today’s Gospel, we find the light of His Victory and Glory is overwhelming to the Apostles. The Mystery of His Resurrection is mightier than we are, so the Lord illumines us over this Easter Octave, as he illumines his disciples.

In this Gospel of St. John the Lord appears to seven of his Apostles. At first the disciples are confused and overwhelmed and uncertain as the world shows us all its violence and darkness. The Apostles were previously blessed by the appearance of the Lord on Easter night. Yet they are still confused on what to do, given the events of the last week. So some of the disciples fall back to what they know…to claim some comfort, some normalcy. They go out fishing and catch nothing all night. The Lord appears on the shore, the Gospel tells us, but the disciples at first do not recognize Him.

He instructs them, hearing they have caught nothing…to throw their nets off the right side of the boat…the correct side. They experience the miracle of fish with a haul so large their nets were at the point of tearing.

This Homily informs all listeners that the point of Easter is not to just celebrate His Victory…not to just receive His blessings. These things will occur, but should not be the point of this Easter Season. The point is for us to be like St. Peter! When we recognize the Lord is near, we drop everything and go to Him (as St. Peter swam from the boat). To meet the Lord and to look upon the Lord…and feel His presence and Love.

In the Gospel, the disciples were instructed to have faith in the Lord…trust the Lord…and let Him direct them, and us. Listen to this Homily and let the Lord guide and direct us all … and let us run to Him to meet and be with Him.

The Miracle of the Fishes: Raphael: 1515

Let the Lord Direct You

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