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Q&A: Is it true that Saint Louis de Montfort mentions Frank Duff the founder of the Legion of Mary?

Father J. Patrick Gaffney, SMM

Saint Louis de Montfort lived from 1673 to 1716; Frank Duff from 1889 to 1980. You are asking then if the saint was given the gift of foretelling the birth of the founder of the legion, some two centuries in the future.

The name “Frank Duff’ is found nowhere in the writings of the Father from Montfort. However, there are some who see a hint of this great man in #112 of the True Devotion. Keep in mind that in #111 St. Louis Marie seems to be asking himself “What can I hope to accomplish by writing this manuscript?” His answer:

(TD #112): “But my labor will be well rewarded if this little book falls into the hands of a noble soul, a child of God and of Mary, born not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man. My time will be well spent, if by the grace of the Holy Spirit, after having read this book he is convinced of the supreme value of this solid devotion to Mary I am about to describe.”

There are some people who see in this “noble soul” none other than Frank Duff. The description that Saint Louis de Montfort gives of this noble soul surely fits Frank Duff in a special way. But I would not call this a “prophesy” or “foretelling” of Mr. Duff. In varying degrees, all who read the True Devotion and truly live it, are the “noble souls” he is talking about.

Are not all of us who subscribe to The QUEEN, [are not all members of The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts who live their Consecration vows] among the “noble men and women” who as fearless, zealous followers of Christ wish to love Him more intensely and proclaim His Name more effectively? I hope so. May each one of us be the response to Saint Louis de Montfort’s prayer that more and more people will solemnly renew and more perfectly live their baptismal promises through Mary.

This humble missionary from Montfort has no doubt that his prayer for “noble souls” will definitely be answered. Let’s listen to his words which he himself calls inspired and which many call a prophecy:

“I feel more and more inspired to believe and expect the complete fulfillment of the desire that is deeply engraved on my heart and what I have prayed to God for over many years, namely, that in the near or distant future the Blessed Virgin will have more children, servants and slaves of love than ever before and that through them Jesus, my dear Lord, will reign more than ever in the hearts of men and women.”

Montfort is not certain of the time: in the near or distant future. But he is sure certain about the fact that the reign of Christ will become more intense than ever through the “children, servants and slaves of love” of the Blessed Virgin. Those three words, children, servants, slaves are intertwined by Montfort into one thought: living in Mary so that we may be more intensely Jesus. Who are these people? Surely Frank Duff is among them. But are you not also among the children, servants, and slaves of love of the Blessed Virgin? And there is no doubt that the new spring-time of the Church which appears to be dawning … [in] the new millennium will increase the number of those who are totally dedicated to Mary so that they may be fully centered on Jesus.

Frank Duff, the Founder of the Legion of Mary

Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary after making his Act of Total Consecration.

… But are you not also among the children, servants, and slaves of love of the Blessed Virgin?

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